Girl, 9, and her assistance dog shortlisted for award

Izzy Bernice and her mother with their black Labrador Jessie
Izzy and her mother say their lives are much happier with Jessie [BBC]

A nine-year-old girl from Dorset has been shortlisted for a national pet award for progress she's made with her assistance dog, a black Labrador called Jessie.

Izzy Bernice from Ferndown is autistic and has become a hit on social media, documenting her condition and her dog training.

She was nominated for the Animal Star Awards by an Instagram follower, becoming the youngest finalist in the assistance dog category.

The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Portsmouth on Sunday.

Close up of a black Labrador's head resting on a lap
Jessie and Izzy have been working with the charity Helpful Hounds [BBC]

Izzy's mum, Carla Baker, said her daughter was much happier and calmer since the arrival of Jessie.

She said: "Izzy has complex needs, she is autistic, ADHD and pathological demand avoidance.

"When she does become overwhelmed, Jessie's there to comfort her.

"I couldn't be prouder of Izzy and Jessie. To be nominated is absolutely fantastic."

Jessie's training has been done with the charity Helpful Hounds.

Trainer Vicky Mansfield said: "The impact that Jessie's had on Izzy's life has helped Izzy flourish and going out has become more pleasurable for her."

Miss Baker said, of all the provision offered to Izzy, Helpful Hounds continued to make the biggest difference to her life.

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