Farmer Wants A Wife's Joe answers major fan question

Farmer Wants A Wife's Joe answers major fan question.

Video transcript

- You guys were all announced. There were two or three extra farmers. What happens there? Is it just something when people sign up for the show that just doesn't work out for those other guys?

- Well, that's a question I've had as well. Yeah, I was one of those. There was eight of us, I think. And the-- yeah, when you're talking to the-- yeah, they come out, and they shoot backstories and things like that. And then they're like, now, this doesn't mean you're on this-- you know, this doesn't mean you're going to be on the show. You know, there's eight farmers. We pick five. So you're really in limbo for the whole way.

And, like, every step is the same. They constantly remind you, you know, this doesn't mean you're coming on the show. This doesn't mean anything. And yeah, actually-- I actually don't know what made my profile be picked over, you know, the other three. I've got no idea. But, you know, I'm glad it did.

- Yeah, definitely. That's so interesting. So, yeah, just it wasn't until you were like, all right, you're going to meet the other boys and the girls that you knew.

- Yeah. I literally got a phone call from production, and they were like, congratulations. You're one of the five and get ready for next week pretty much. You're off.

So it was just everything the whole way. There's steps that it was-- was just-- you know, even before my profile was-- so we filmed the backstory. They said, don't get too excited. You're still not on there. And then even right up to, like, I got a phone call saying, listen, we want to promote you as one of our eight farmers.

With, like, I still had a choice then, you know, to proceed or not. And, you know, they gave me a bit of time to think about it. And then I said, yep, let's go for it. And then within 24 hours, bang, it was everywhere. So yeah, everything started quickly. I had no idea if it was happening, if it wasn't happening. It was-- yeah, it was a bit of a whirlwind.