Farmer Wants A Wife's Krissy reveals shock truth about finale moment: 'Mortified'

EXCLUSIVE: Krissy Smith tells Yahoo Lifestyle about what really happened during her time on Farmer Wants A Wife.

Farmer Wants A Wife's Krissy Smith and Tom Boyer
Farmer Wants A Wife's Krissy Smith has revealed the truth about what happened when Farmer Tom broke up with her. Photo: Seven

Farmer Wants A Wife's Krissy Smith has spilled all about her time with Farmer Tom Boyer, revealing that the breakup came as a huge shock to her, given the reality of their relationship.

Speaking with Yahoo Lifestyle, Krissy has alleged she and Tom were actually engaged in an intimate relationship throughout the experience, which is why she was so shocked when he chose Sarah Cranley over her.

"Like most of the ladies that sign up to a dating show you are full of hope and excited by the possibility that you might meet the love of your life," she tells us, adding she didn't have "unreasonable expectations" of what the experience would be like, but she didn't expect to see Tom being sold to viewers as "this quiet ‘old soul’ who simply didn’t pick me."


Krissy reveals that she doesn't believe Tom deserves the 'nice guy edit' that he received, saying it felt "grossly unfair" to watch his portrayal when she knew the truth.

She adds that she doesn't believe any of the women were Tom's "priority", claiming he was looking to use his "sudden fame" to his advantage with women outside of the show.

"When I met Farmer Tom we had a connection straight away. It was obvious to me that I was his first pick and I am embarrassed to reveal we slept together on the first night at his farm," Krissy admits. "The connection felt real."

Krissy and Tom on Farmer Wants A Wife
Krissy and Tom after he broke up with her in their final episode. Photo: Seven

"He told me that I was his priority and I had no reason to believe he was interested in anyone else," she adds. "We had a sexual relationship right up until the day I was told he was not going to choose me in that finale. You could imagine how shocked I was to be sidelined at that point."

"We had lay in bed talking at night and I couldn’t have imagined he would pick anyone else," she adds.

Krissy shares there was a moment that Australia didn't see when they shot the Farmer Wants A Wife finale, with Tom allegedly requesting to break up with her for a second time because he wasn't "happy" with the first take.

"I felt blindsided, and what Australia did not see was Farmer Tom couldn’t keep his story straight when he dumped me on national TV," Krissy claims. "He was mumbling, and the initial dumping had to be reshot.

"Can you imagine having an intimate relationship with a guy for nine weeks and then being broken up with twice because he felt he needed to have a second take? I was mortified."

She adds, "I was told to wipe away my tears and reshoot the most emotional moment of my life so he was happy with the way it would come across. I was quickly taken away and sent home, where I spent three weeks wondering what had gone wrong."

Krissy Smith and Sarah Cranley on Farmer Wants A Wife
Krissy was close friends with Sarah Cranley, who walked away with Farmer Tom at the end of the show but have since broken up. Photo: Seven

Krissy says that while she knew she "deserved an explanation" from Tom, she didn't want to hurt her good friend, Sarah, who Tom chose at the end of the show.

"Sarah had been nothing but supportive of my time with Tom and a good friend during the nine weeks of filming. It was a really hard time of my life. I really felt quite alone," Krissy explains, saying she reached out to Tom after checking it was alright with Sarah first.

"I bit the bullet and reached out to Tom after getting Sarah's approval. He agreed to a phone call and set up at time on the Friday. Which never happened. I stayed up waiting to talk and the phone never rang," she says.

Krissy claims Tom continued "stuffing me around and refusing to talk to me", constantly making plans to call her but never following through.

"He would leave me on 'read' and never offer an explanation of why these arranged phone calls would never happen," she says.

"What horrified me was he then added all the other women he met on the show [on social media] - including the girls who only had five minute speed dates with who didn’t even come to the farm. He was sending me a clear message that I was nothing to him."

Sarah Cranley and Tom Boyer on Farmer Wants A Wife
Sarah announced she and Tom had split after the show's reunion aired. Photo: Seven

Krissy says that it wasn't until after Farmer Tom and Sarah had filmed the reunion that she was able to "properly swap stories and put the whole puzzle together".

"He has never given me an explanation and he kept me hanging on Instagram for months," Krissy, shares, adding that she feels disrespected by Tom.

"He has a lot of growing up to do," she says. "I am glad I have made good friendships with the other ladies and I am relieved Sarah has walked away with her head held high and now with the possibility of finding a man who will appreciate her. We both deserve better than Farmer Tom."


Sarah announced after the reunion aired that she and Tom had split. She wrote on Instagram: "Unfortunately, that lifelong love that I was seeking with Tom did not turn out the way that I had hoped it would, but it's definitely a relief now to put that truth out there that Tom and I are no longer together.

"Relationships don't always work and people are not always who you think they are. I can hold the knowledge that I gave my all to the experience and our relationship during, and since, the show, and I am really proud of that."

Yahoo Lifestyle has contacted Tom Boyer for comment.

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