Embarrassing details about King Charles emerge in new book

A new book about King Charles has been making headlines with some bombshell claims with more palace insiders revealing even more of the monarch's alleged habits.

Christopher Andersen's new biography The King: The Life of Charles III is set for release next week, with the author sharing some surprising details about "one of the most eccentric sovereigns Great Britain has ever had".

King Charles
A new book about King Charles reveals some embarrassing details about 'one of the most eccentric sovereigns Great Britain has ever had'. Photo: Getty

According to Andersen, Charles' former valet Michael Fawcett was in charge of putting toothpaste on the King's monogrammed toothbrush, as well as shaving his face and helping him with clothing and his shoes, Fox News reports.

The valet's duties also extended to laying out the royal's pyjamas, while another former valet, Ken Stronach, was in charge of hand washing Charles' underwear and ensuring his beloved childhood teddy bear was by his side.


The author also alleged that Charles' former nanny Mabel Anderson, was brought out of retirement to mend the teddy bear, when the then-Prince was in his 40s.

"[She] was the only human being allowed to take needle and thread to [former] Prince Charles’ teddy bear," a former valet told Andersen, according to Page Six. "He was well into his 40s, and every time that teddy needed to be repaired, you would think it was his own child having major surgery."

Charles' former nanny Mabel Anderson, was brought out of retirement to mend the King's childhood teddy bear when the then-Prince was in his 40s. Photo: Getty
Charles' former nanny Mabel Anderson, was brought out of retirement to mend the King's childhood teddy bear when the then-Prince was in his 40s. Photo: Getty

Elsewhere in the book, it's claimed Charles has a very particular morning routine that involves having a breakfast tray which has to "contain a cup and saucer to the right with a silver spool pointing outward at an angle of five o'clock. Butter must come in three balls and be chilled. The royal toast is always on a silver rack, never on a plate. Assorted jams, jellies, marmalades and honey are served on a separate silver tray."

It comes after the New York Post shared a snippet from the book where Andersen writes that Diana was seen by Charles' valets "hurling epithets and mocking her husband’s obsession with the dreary-looking Camilla".

One day a valet reportedly saw Diana "literally pursued [Charles] down hallways, up staircases and from room to room". Diana then asked her husband, "Why won't you sleep with me?" as Charles "had for all intents and purposes unilaterally called a halt to their sexual relationship" after Harry's birth in 1984.

King Charles and Princess Diana
Charles reportedly gave a surprising response to his wife Princess Diana when she questioned why he wouldn't sleep with her. Photo: Getty

Charles reportedly hit back with a sarcastic response, telling her, "I don’t know, dear. I think I might be gay."

The book also claims Charles demanded he be given the respect "he felt his position warranted", with the now-King allegedly asking his wife, "Do you know who I am?"


"Diana answered that he was a ‘f***ing animal," Anderson writes.

"You will never be king!" she reportedly said. "William will succeed your mother. I will see to that."

The author claims that the tension between the pair only increased as time went on, with Diana realising Charles was in love with his mistress Camilla Parker-Bowles before their wedding.

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