TV host calls Meghan a 'liar' over Harry comment: 'Let's get real'

TV host Megyn Kelly has slammed Meghan Markle and called her a 'liar' for claiming to have never looked Prince Harry up before meeting him.

"I never looked up my husband online," the Duchess of Sussex previously told Oprah Winfrey during her bombshell interview. "I just didn't feel the need to because everything that I needed to know, he was sharing with me — or everything we thought I needed to know, he was telling me."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Megyn Kelly has slammed Meghan Markle and called her a 'liar' over a surprise comment she made about Prince Harry. Photo: Getty

Christopher Anderson, who was promoting his new book The King: The Life of Charles III, laughed with Megyn, saying that like "every other young woman," Meghan would have known about the the royal family, especially Harry. Megyn agreed, saying, "Let's get real, there's always that eligible bachelor. For my age, it was JFK Jr., for her age it was Prince Harry. She was a liar...that's really what we're both saying. She lied about it, she lied."

It wasn't Megyn's only bone to pick with the Duchess of Sussex, with the host also slamming her for constantly referring to Harry as "my husband" in her podcast Archetypes, where she raved about Harry's parenting skills. The host criticised Meghan, saying she was only doing it for attention.


"We get it, you bagged the gorilla," she said. "Congratulations, you got the big bear, [and] you want us all to know."

While speaking about Harry's parenting skills, Meghan said, "Oh, my husband? Oh, he's great!" She continued, saying he helps "get [Archie] downstairs" while she makes breakfast for everyone during their "chaotic" mornings.

"I make breakfast for all three of them. It’s very important to me. I love doing it," Meghan said.

Megyn Kelly had many bones to pick with Meghan. Photo: Getty
Megyn Kelly had many bones to pick with Meghan. Photo: Getty

Megyn and Christopher also spoke about Meghan's shock racism claims that she made during her Oprah interview, with the author shutting down the idea that the conversation happened during the Duchess' pregnancy, and instead was something far more innocent that happened before the couple announced their engagement. "It was an instant conversation about two people who are going...if they are going to be grandparents, Charles and Camilla [were] speculating on what the kids might look like," he said.

"Obviously, you have two very attractive people here and 'Gee I wonder what colour their eyes will be, what their hair would be like.' You know this kind of thing it was something I would say [was] relatively benign and witnessed by several people and then spun into something toxic," the author added. Christopher continued, saying that "men in grey who operate the monarchy behind the scenes" may have "misinterpreted" the conversation by the time it got back to Meghan and Harry. He added, "It was a game of telephone, let's put it that way."

Megyn added that the conversation between the King and his wife shouldn't have been considered "racist", saying, "You're just curious about how your baby's gonna look. A negative judgment attached to a darker skin would be racist, but just wondering, that's not racist."

Christopher agreed, saying that Harry and Meghan "jumping to that conclusion" was "pretty irresponsible".

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