45 Fun Leprechaun Tricks To Play on Your Kids

March has finally arrived, and with it comes the magic of St. Patrick’s Day! That means shamrocks are popping up everywhere, rainbows are brightening the sky and cheeky little leprechauns are on the loose, ready to sprinkle some mischief into your children’s day. These pint-sized tricksters love nothing more than a good prank, so when they’re around, your family should expect plenty of shenanigans to occur! And we've got the best leprechaun pranks and tricks to inspire you.

These playful creatures are experts at turning an ordinary day into a whirlwind of playful mayhem. Whether they’re hiding someone’s shoes, filling up a backpack with glitter, or leaving behind green footprints all over the house from rearranging your furniture, there’s no trick they won’t try to pull off on your family with a little assistance from you.

If you’re ready to help them spread some leprechaun antics in your home this year, you don’t have to come up with ideas on your own. Instead, check out what some of the best leprechaun prank ideas for kids are from our list below. Some of them are simple, some are silly and some are over-the-top. However, one thing’s for sure—they’ll keep your kiddos laughing and ensure they have the most memorable St. Patrick’s Day thanks your home being filled with magical chaos.

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How Sneaky Are Leprechauns?

There’s one thing for certain; leprechauns are super sneaky! They’re like little magical ninjas, always one step ahead, darting in and out of sight with a wink and a mischievous grin. They’re masters of hide-and-seek, leaving you chasing rainbows and questioning if they were ever really there. Just when you think you've spotted one, they vanish, leaving you with nothing but a trail of wonder.

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How To Make Leprechaun Mischief

Making leprechaun mischief is all about being playful and creating little surprises that leave people scratching their heads. It’s about adding a touch of magic to everyday moments, turning ordinary things into mischievous fun. Whether it’s with unexpected pranks, clever tricks or hidden surprises, leprechauns love to keep everyone guessing, all while spreading a little laughter and chaos!

Related: Here’s Exactly How To Make a Leprechaun Trap

45 Best Leprechaun Pranks To Play on Your Kids

1. Leprechaun’s Topsy-Turvy Room

If you’re feeling bold, flip small pieces of furniture upside-down in your child’s room while they are at school, giving them the impression that a leprechaun was there causing trouble. You can turn over picture frames, chairs, books, alarm clocks, make a few stuffed animals sit on their heads and even place a cup upside down on your child’s desk. Then, when your kiddo walks in, they’ll see that a leprechaun was there.

2. Mini Leprechaun Messages

Write funny, tiny notes on scraps of paper from a leprechaun. The catch? Write the letters in “leprechaun” handwriting—backward, upside down or in a mysterious code. That way, you can watch your kids have fun trying to decode the silly messages!

3. Sneaky Snack Attack

Leave half-eaten cookies or snacks out with tiny bites taken out of them, as if the leprechaun couldn’t resist nibbling on each one. You can even add a tiny “leprechaun fork” made from a toothpick and some mini foil wrapped treats for extra charm.

4. Green Flowers

Set out white carnations on your table a few days before St. Patrick’s Day. Then the night before, add green food coloring to the water so the next morning your children can see that leprechauns turned the flowers green.

5. Rainbow Mishap

Cut out colorful paper strips in the shape of a rainbow and place them all around the house. Then tell your kids one of the leprechauns “left” a rainbow trail behind him while running off to hide his gold!

6. Missing Lucky Charms

If you have Lucky Charms cereal in your home, serve it to your kids without the cute marshmallows. To do this, remove all of the marshmallows the night before so it looks as if the leprechaun ate them all.

7. Leprechaun Bed Makeover

When your kids are taking a bath the night before St. Patrick’s Day, sneak into their room and change their normal bedding to green sheets and green pillow cases. When they return, they’ll think leprechauns paid them a visit, leaving behind a magical, green-filled surprise!

8. Leprechaun Tea Party

Set up a mini “tea party” with tiny cups, plates, and a stuffed animal or two. Place them in funny poses like they’re having a conversation, and scatter tea bags everywhere. Tell your kids the leprechauns must have run off when they heard you all enter the house after school.

9. Prank Call

Leave a funny voicemail on your phone from a “leprechaun” using a silly voice, saying things like, “I'm stealing all your green snacks—better catch me if you can!” Then let your kids listen to it. Don’t forget to mention your children’s names in the message.

10. Jelly Bean Surprise

Hide a bunch of jelly beans inside your child’s shoes or under their pillow. Then, the next morning, they’ll be surprised by the leprechaun's sweet treat stash!

Funny Leprechaun Pranks

11. Sticker Tattoos

When your children are asleep, carefully place little St. Patrick’s Day-themed stickers on your child’s arms or face. Then, when they wake up, tell them that crazy leprechaun gave them tattoos and tell them to go look in the mirror.

12. Hat Trick

Fill a small cup with green Jell-O and set it upside down. When your kid tries to lift it up, it’ll stick, and they’ll be baffled by the leprechaun’s silly magic trick and then confused when they notice the green Jell-O.

13. Green Hair Prank

After your child is asleep, use green washable hair chalk or green hair color spray to turn some or all of their hair green. Your kiddos will never expect it and you can blame it on the leprechauns.

14. Colorful Toilet Water

Add green food coloring to the water in the bathroom toilet. It’ll surprise your kids when they go to use it and make them think the leprechauns have been there.

15. St. Patrick’s Day Mani/Pedi

Make sure your kiddos fall asleep without socks. Then paint their fingernails and/or toenails with green nail polish so it looks like it was done by the leprechaun.

16. TP Prank

Unroll a little bit of toilet paper, then stick green food coloring drops on it. Roll it back up and leave it somewhere for your kids to discover. They’ll be puzzled as to how a leprechaun could cause such a silly mess!

17. Magic Green Ice Cubes

This prank won’t cost anything to do. The night before St. Paddy's Day, make ice cubes, but add green food coloring into the ice molds before you put the tray in the freezer. The next morning, ask your child to grab some ice for their drinks and they’ll think the leprechaun’s magic turned them all green.

18. Sticky Hands

Put a little bit of green slime on the door handles or light switches, so when your kids try to use them, they’ll feel like they’re stuck in leprechaun magic!

19. Create a Mischievous Leprechaun Shadow

Use a green flashlight or glow stick to cast weird shadows on the wall of your child’s room when they are taking a shower or bath at night. When your kid goes back into their room, you can say the leprechaun was up to some sneaky late-night antics!

20. Mini Leprechaun Furniture Prank

Place tiny pieces of furniture all over your child’s room (think matchbox beds or doll chairs) so it looks like the leprechauns are moving into your child’s room.

21. Green Sticky Notes Everywhere

This will take a little time, but it’ll be worth it. Just cover your child’s bedroom with green sticky notes—on the walls, door handles and even inside their shoes. Leave little funny messages like, “Leprechauns were here!” or “We thought your room needed more green!”

22. Leprechaun-ized Toys

Take a few of your child’s toys and give them “leprechaun accessories”—like tiny hats, scarves, or coins. Make it look like the leprechaun gave their toys a fun makeover while they weren’t looking!

23. Leprechaun’s Bubble Bath

Pranks your kiddos at bath time by filling the bathtub with bubbles or bath foam and adding green food coloring for a “magical” bubble bath. Leave a note saying, “Leprechauns love a good bubble bath!”

24. Hot Cocoa Surprise

Prepare a cup of hot cocoa, but add a small amount of green food coloring to the milk, so when your kids take a sip, they’ll be surprised by the magically green drink!

25. Leprechaun Toothpaste Trick

Swap out your kid’s regular toothpaste with green-colored frosting or whipped cream. Watch their faces when they squeeze out a sweet surprise instead of minty freshness!

26. Leprechaun Haircut

Take a small amount of rainbow yarn and cut it into tiny pieces. Scatter scatter it around in your house, and tell your kids you accidentally scared the leprechauns earlier when you caught them giving each other haircuts and they tossed their hair around when they ran away.

27. Jell-O Surprise

Pour green Jell-O into a clear container and hide a little toy or figurine inside. Put it into the fridge so it has time to become solid. When your kids dig in and eat it for a snack later, they’ll get a funny surprise when they discover the leprechaun’s little “treasure” hidden at the bottom.

Last-Minute Leprechaun Tricks for Kids

28. Leprechaun’s Flying Coins

Attach green string to a few chocolate coins and hang them from the ceiling, like a floating treasure. When your kids wake up the next morning, you can watch them try to catch the “floating leprechaun loot” hanging in mid-air!

29. Mini Puddle

Spill some green food coloring in the sink or on a plate (making sure it’s safe to clean). Leave a note nearby saying, “Oops, the leprechaun spilled his lucky potion!”

30. Underwater Leprechaun Coins

Fill the bathroom sink with water and scatter a few chocolate coins inside. Put a few drops of green food coloring in the water for a magical effect, then tell your kids leprechauns must’ve been trying to wash their loot!

31. Leprechaun Library Switch

Swap out a few books in your child’s bookshelf or on your family’s bookshelf with upside-down books. You can even tape pieces of paper to their covers with LOL titles, like “How to Catch a Leprechaun” or “The Leprechaun’s Guide to Mischief.”

32. Shamrock Confetti

Scatter paper shamrocks or green confetti around the house where the leprechauns have been, adding a touch of magic to their visit.

33. Leprechaun Footprints

Use green construction paper to cut out tiny footprints and then place them all around the house, leading to a spot where the leprechaun might have left something behind, like candy or coins. Tip: You can even use a pair of babydoll shoes to trace as a template to use.

34. Leprechaun Tunnel

Use any green streamers or ribbons you may have to DIY a “tunnel” in a hallway or doorway. Then tell your kids that the leprechauns must have been playing there during the night.

35. Magic Mirror Message

Get creative and write a leprechaun-themed note on the bathroom mirror for your kids with soap or whiteboard markers. “Don't forget to wear green today!”

36. Leprechaun Sparkles

Create a small, yet beautiful mess with glitter somewhere in your home to make it look like a leprechaun had been up to mischief while everyone was asleep.

37. Floating Green Balloons

Fill the bathroom with green balloons once your child goes to sleep. When they wake up and go inside the next morning, they’ll think a leprechaun is decorated just for them! You can even tape a little note to the balloons saying, “I hope you find the magic in your day!”

38. Eaten Chocolate Coins

Once your kids are fast asleep, enjoy eating chocolate coins and leave the empty wrappers in a trail all over the house and in your child’s shoes and coat pockets as if the leprechaun left them behind.

39. Green Soap

Put a drop or two of green food coloring in a soap dispenser in your kid’s bathroom, so when they use it, they’ll be surprised to see green suds!

40. Melted Crayon Rainbow

Carefully take off the paper wrappers of some crayons and then glue each crayon down onto a piece of paper. Once the glue dries, blow dry them to make a waxy rainbow appear courtesy of the leprechauns! Leave a note that says, “I stole a rainbow for you.”

41. Green Socks

Grab a pair of your child’s white socks and dye them green with food coloring and then slip them onto your kid’s feet when they are sleeping so they wake up with them on and blame the leprechauns.

42. Mischievous Green Eggs

If you’re serving your kids breakfast, add a little green food coloring to their eggs to make it look like it was touched by the leprechaun.

43. Leprechaun’s Clover Leftovers

Collect little green clovers from your yard and then leave them on a table or counter, suggesting the leprechaun stopped by for a quick bite and didn't clean up after himself.

44. Upside-Down Pictures

Turn all the picture frames throughout your house upside down, creating the illusion that the leprechaun has been playing with the decor. When your kid sees them, reveal that leprechauns must have wanted to see who lived there and that they see the world upside-down.

45. Leprechaun Rock Trail

Leave a trail of little green rocks from your child’s bedroom door to the kitchen where you can have your child’s breakfast waiting for them. However, instead of it being normal pancakes have it be green pancakes!

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