Bride's shocking diet demand leaves sister-in-law 'humiliated'

A bride has been slammed after sending a 30-day diet plan with her wedding invitation to her pregnant sister-in-law.

The bride's brother took to Reddit's Am I The A**hole subreddit to share the story after his wife was left mortified by the diet plan.

Anne Hathaway screaming in Bride Wars
A bride has been slammed after sending a 30-day diet plan with her wedding invitation to her pregnant sister-in-law. Photo: 20th Century Fox

After confronting his sister, he was told he was overreacting by both the bride and his mother.

"My M33 sister's F36 wedding is in two months," the poster wrote. "My wife noticed something else was sent along with the invitation. She came to me and handed me the envelope and she looked so upset, almost crying. I opened it and found that my sister sent a 30-day pre-wedding diet plan. I looked at it. And I don’t know what to say about it honestly.


"I don’t know whose idea this is or who made this plan but it’s awful. Literally, the worst thing I’ve seen in a while. My sister basically wanted my wife (my wife’s pregnant btw) to lose weight by following this diet so she could look ‘fit’ at the wedding."


The man added that his wife was allergic to some of the meals in the plan and wasn't sure why his sister even sent the plan to his wife who isn't part of the bridal party.

"I get that it's her special day or whatever and I get that my sister takes care of herself," he wrote. "But she's turning into a goddamn [bridezilla]. My wife and I felt offended. She cried because of this."


"I called sister and I argued with her," he continued. "After she berated me for objecting to her ‘plan’ [she] said I was trying to ruin her day. I told her we’re not coming and that I threw the invitation in the [bin]. She got my mom involved. My mom argued with me saying as her brother I needed to support her and be there for her. Said that I shouldn’t make this personal because. Everyone got a copy of this plan. Including her."

The man was shocked his sister had sent his pregnant wife a diet plan. Photo: Getty
The man was shocked his sister had sent his pregnant wife a diet plan. Photo: Getty

He added that he spoke to his future brother-in-law about the whole thing but he told the poster to keep him out of the argument. The writer said he doesn't blame the groom, who has other things going on including his father being in hospital and his future wife refusing to let him see him.

He finished, "My mom didn't stop calling me saying I'm overreacting and I'm being harsh on my sister and that I hurt her feelings a lot. Maybe my family is insane. Or maybe I was harsh on her They called me stubborn and that I was cruel to her. I just couldn't handle it."

Reddit users were quick to share their thoughts on the situation.


"To send this at all is appalling and idiotic, but to send this to a pregnant woman is a whole new level of stupid," one said.

"Even if she wasn’t pregnant, a diet plan would be disgusting," someone else added.

"You are not being cruel; your sister is taking this OFF the charts as to how much control she has over the wedding," another said. "While she does have control over the planning portion, she does not and SHOULD not have control over the guests. You did the right thing by standing by your wife on this one."

"What is she going to do? Weigh people at the door and turn them away if they don’t meet her requirements? This is INSANE," someone else wrote.

"[Not the a**hole]- the sheer entitlement of trying to control the diets of everyone involved in the wedding. Feels like a sitcom bridezilla, but less likeable," another said. "You do not owe your sister control over your diet. No one does. Everyone enabling her has created a monster."

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