Bride left fuming as bridesmaid bails on wedding the night before: 'Terrible friend'

A bridesmaid's controversial move has left people livid.

A bride has found herself seething with anger as her supposed friend of nine years backed out of being a bridesmaid just hours before the big day, citing allergies as the reason for cancelling at the last minute.

Taking to a popular wedding-shaming Facebook group, the bride shared the backstory, along with her deep disappointment in her friend's actions.

"Shaming my 'friend' and bridesmaid," she vented to the group, "who cancelled on me at 11:30pm the night before my wedding because of 'allergies'."

Group of happy, beautiful and elegant bridesmaid women getting ready, applying makeup and dressing in the bathroom for a Bride. Modern young and pretty ladies putting on cosmetics in a mirror
The bride shared that her friend also didn't show up to multiple pre-wedding events. Photo: Getty

The bride went on to express her disappointment as her friend had also missed important pre-wedding events like the bachelorette party, bridal shower, and rehearsal dinner. Despite having covered all expenses for the bridesmaids' hair styling, makeup, and dresses, the friend was MIA throughout the wedding preparations.


Adding to the tension, the bride revealed that her friend had rearranged her own wedding, originally scheduled for November, to May, just a day before the bride's shower, and the day of her final dress-fitting.

Understandably, given the short notice, the bride couldn't attend her friend's wedding and conveyed her regrets politely. However, this led to a heated reaction from her friend.

"She freaked out on me... so I did what any good friend would do and I drove to her wedding after my dress fitting."

The next day, during her own bridal shower, the friend announced she wouldn't be attending because she had overindulged at her own wedding. Despite the understanding response, the friend proceeded to bail on the rehearsal and, eventually, the wedding.

The response from the group was overwhelming, with many members expressing their disbelief in the friend's actions.

One user chimed in, "I'm sorry but I highly doubt she was a great friend before this. Were you surprised by any of this? Seems like she never respected you or your time." Another added, "Allergies as in sniffle and itch, or allergies as in anaphylaxis? Either way, the rest of it is horrible and she's a terrible friend."

The bride clarified by responding that the allergies in question were causing her friend red and itchy eyes. This explanation prompted even more reactions from the group.

"Sounds like an excuse to get out of it!" one user exclaimed. "So basically hay fever?" another questioned, while one user advised, "Block this person and be done with them."

Bride dress fitting
The friend also rescheduled her own wedding to coincide with the bride's final dress fitting. Photo: Getty

The responses continued with a mix of sympathy and frustration. "Dang, if only she knew there were over-the-counter eye drops and pills for that!" someone offered.

Another person asserted, "That's not a friend at all." And the consensus seemed to be that allergies, in this context, didn't cut it as a valid excuse.

"The only time allergies is an acceptable reason is if you're having a serious allergic reaction. No one is going to care if her eyes are a little red and puffy," another group member noted.

Some took a more light-hearted approach to the situation, suggesting alternative excuses for cancelling wedding duties.

"Honestly, if you're gonna bail on something and use being sick as an excuse, at least go with explosive diarrhoea. Allergies? Rookie move," one user joked.

In the midst of the discussion, a group member offered some perspective, stating, "I think she handled this poorly, but still, she might care about feeling sh*tty with allergy symptoms at what's supposed to be a big fancy party where everyone's expected to look their best."

However, the general sentiment remained that true friends would find a way to be there for significant life events like weddings.

"Weddings have a great way of showing you who your true friends are," one person said, while another summed up the collective sentiment, stating, "People just vanish if they aren't true friends during any major life events."

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