Bride’s friend tells her she can’t play specific song at Taylor Swift-themed wedding

Bride’s friend tells her she can’t play specific song at Taylor Swift-themed wedding (Getty Images)
Bride’s friend tells her she can’t play specific song at Taylor Swift-themed wedding (Getty Images)

A bride has caused an argument with her friend over one of her wedding song choices.

In a recent Reddit post shared to the “True Swifties” subreddit, the woman explained that their friend was getting married in a few weeks with a Taylor Swift theme. However, according to the woman, throughout the planning phase, the two of them got into a disagreement about the music that would be played.

“During the ceremony she wants to play the song ‘Lover’ which is one of her favorite songs and I get that but I’m trying to tell her that it would be insensitive to play ‘Lover’ since Taylor specifically added it to her denial playlist and it would be invalidating that, but she keeps saying it’s her wedding and she can play whatever,” the post read.

The Grammy winner’s denial playlist is one she made with Apple Music back in April amid the release of her newest album, “The Tortured Poets Department.” At the time, Swift divided all of her songs into the five stages of grief with one playlist representing each stage.

The stages are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

In the denial album’s description, it was explained that Swift’s fans, also called “Swifties,” came up with the theory that “The Tortured Poet’s Department” would “explore the five stages of heartbreak.”

“And when Swifties agree upon a theory, Taylor takes an interest – so, naturally, she’s responded by crafting a series of exclusive playlists, choosing songs of her own that fit each stage,” the Apple Music description reads.

“This is a list of songs about getting so caught up in the idea of something that you have a hard time seeing the red flags, possibly resulting in moments of denial and maybe a little bit of delusion. Results may vary,” Swift told Apple Music about the denial album, titled, “I Love You, It’s Ruining My Life Songs.”

One of the songs on this playlist was “Lover,” the song the bride was considering for her wedding.

The Reddit post detailed that their argument resulted in a fight, and that the two of them haven’t spoken since. According to the woman, she isn’t sure whether or not it’s worth missing her friend’s wedding over.

After posting, many people took to the comments section to explain that this wasn’t the type of argument to end a friendship over.

“First of all, it’s your friend’s wedding, not yours, so you don’t get to tell her what songs to use or not use. Second of all, you need to take a breath and back out of this weird parasocial thing with Taylor you have going on,” one comment began.

“Insensitive? To Taylor Swift? Are you serious? I’m so baffled I have a hard time believing this is a real post an adult human who has friends old enough to be getting married would make.”

Another Swift fan explained in their comment that just because the singer feels a certain way about one of her songs, doesn’t mean that listeners need to feel the exact same way.

“Taylor put ‘Lover’ in her denial playlist, but that was her opinion of the song she wrote. She has made it very clear that these songs are ours once they are released so her relationship to the song has nothing to do with your friend’s relationship to the song,” they wrote in their comment.

“Girl Taylor would tell you to stop and let your friend do what she wants with her music. When an artist releases music, it becomes ours. We implicate our own emotions onto the song, they mean what we want it to mean. I think you need to reevaluate your relationship with celebrities.”