Aldi shoppers are going wild for this 'amazing' $15 item: 'So good and so quick'

The meal kit is being hailed a must-have by Aldi customers.

Aussie shoppers are raving about Aldi's bao buns for their delicious taste and easy prep. Photo: Facebook/Aldi Mums
Aussie shoppers are raving about Aldi's bao buns for their delicious taste and easy prep. Photo: Facebook/Aldi Mums

If there's one thing Aussies love, it's a good food craze, and Aldi seems to have mastered the art of creating cult-favourite products that send shoppers into a frenzy. Enter their latest sensation: a Char Sui Pork Bao Bun Kit.

With social media platforms abuzz with excitement, it's clear that this delish foodie offering has captured the hearts (and taste buds) of every Aldi shopper who gives it a try, and they're singing its praises from the rooftops. So what exactly are they saying?


"The pork bao buns are delicious!" exclaimed one enthusiastic shopper in the Aldi Mums Facebook group, echoing the sentiments of countless others who are absolutely raving over this simple meal.

"Agree," chimed in someone else, "we had them tonight and they were a big hit!"

"These buns get posted almost daily," remarked another, with a laugh.

So, what makes these buns so irresistible? Well, according to those in the know, it's not just their mouthwatering flavour but also their convenience.

The $14.99 meal kit has been overwhelmingly popular with Aldi customers. Photo: TikTok/@cg_sahm
The $14.99 meal kit has been overwhelmingly popular with Aldi customers. Photo: TikTok/@cg_sahm

"Super easy to cook," commented one satisfied customer. "I'm fussy with pork, and these were so good, the pork cooked with the sauce goes sticky and crispy."

"They are delicious," said another person, with one more adding, "They are amazing. SO good."

But what exactly are bao buns?

Originating from Taiwan, these fluffy delights are a popular street food known for their light texture and delicious fillings. Traditionally served hot with roast pork, pickled cucumbers, coriander, and hoisin sauce, over the last few years they've become a popular dish among diners Down Under.

Pork Belly Bao Buns with Carrots, Coleslaw and Cilantro with a Savory Sauce
Bao buns, originating from Taiwan, are made from fluffy dough and filled with delicious meats and sauces. Photo: Getty

Now, thanks to Aldi, Aussies can enjoy the bao bun experience in the comfort of their own homes. Priced at $14.99, the Char Sui Pork Bao Bun kit comes complete with everything you need to whip up eight mouthwatering buns, including veggies, meat, sauces and accompaniments.

And it seems that once you've tried them, there's no turning back.

"So good and so quick and easy to make," attested one satisfied customer. "They've become a once a week meal in our house!"

But like all good things, there's a catch: finding them. Despite their popularity, tracking down these coveted kits in Aldi stores can prove to be quite the challenge, with many shoppers reporting difficulties in locating them in their local Aldi's meat department.

"I've looked two weeks in a row and can't find them in freezer section or meat section. I looked everywhere as I so wanted to try them!" lamented one hopeful buyer.

Another chimed in, expressing similar difficulties: "I can never find these either."


For those in the West, the situation seems particularly dire. "If you're in WA, you're hot out of luck," confirmed one disappointed shopper. "We don't even get them," shared another Western Australian, "maybe your area is the same if you can never find them."

Nevertheless, for those lucky enough to snag a kit, the reward is well worth the effort. With rave reviews pouring in from satisfied customers, it's safe to say these bao buns have firmly secured their place as the latest must-have meal in Aussie kitchens.

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