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The post-flush perfume drops that actually work: 'My favourite stink quasher for the bathroom'

Added bonus: they look super chic.

If there's constantly an aerosol can in your bathroom to mask unpleasant scents, it might be time to give a chic upgrade to the scent in your loo.

Those who want to impress guests, save embarrassing conversations with their other half, or simply make their bathroom look - and smell - upmarket can't get enough of these post-flush perfume drops.

"It smells divine and actually works!" says one happy customer. "Family and guests have all commented on how nice the packaging is and what a 'wow' job these tiny little drops do," agrees another.

No.2 post-flush perfume drops
No.2's post-flush perfume drops look super chic in your bathroom. Photo: Supplied

No.2 is a bougie loo fragrance that rids the room of unwanted smells within 30 seconds. Housed in a chic glass bottle, it's an essential oil-based formula designed to be dropped directly into the loo after flushing.

It contains mandarin, geranium, lemon myrtle and bergamot, leaving a fresh, citrusy scent.

It's ideal for home bathrooms, workplace loos, housewarming gifts - and saving relationships everywhere.


No. 2, $29, was born after its Sydney founder Jess Ruhfus found herself "imprisoned in my apartment with two boys during consecutive lockdowns in 2020."

Fed up with "close-quarter living with a single lavatory," she set about trying to make her bathroom smell a bit nicer.

Jess Ruhfus and No.2 post flush drops
Jess Ruhfus founded No. 2 after living "with two boys" during Covid. Photo: Supplied

"I tried everything from sprays to candles to diffusers to drops, most of which were made out of plastic, encasing chemical synthetic fragrances in ugly packaging," she says. "Safe to say that very few actually worked to eliminate unwanted smells, and you certainly didn’t want to have these plastic, eyesore products on display in your bathroom sanctum."

She started mixing her own essential oil blends until she hit upon a formula she loved. Then she housed the formula in chic bottles so it looks super chic when it's sitting in your bathroom.

The drops should be used post-flush, and can also be dropped into the wash basin after washing your hands for an extra boost of fragrance. There's also a mini bottle, $15, which is ideal for travelling and using in public toilets.

Made in Australia, No.2 is cruelty-free, vegan and free from synthetic fragrances.

"This is my favourite stink quasher for the bathroom," says one happy customer. "I absolutely love this stuff! Smells amazing and looks gorgeous too. I'm officially obsessed."

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