16 Signs From This Week That Made Me Snort-Laugh, Shake My Head, And Faint

Reddit's thread r/funnysigns is the gift that keeps on giving. Last week's was the A+ comedy we've been needing, and this week's is no different. Here we go:

1.There must be a dad operating the signage at this church.

Sign at Pine Grove Baptist Church with a joke: "How do we make holy water? We boil the hell out of it"
u/Zealousideal-Ant5712 / reddit.com

2.He must also do the signs at this animal clinic because he's got quite the dad jokes up his sleeve.

Sign for Barclay Hills Animal Clinic with a humorous message: "Your dogs will love us. We shih tzu not"
u/Kobeau2123 / reddit.com

3.Wait a minute...maybe every town just has a "sign dad" who thinks up his witty little messages as a full-time job.

A community center sign in the snow with a joke: "Someone threw a jar of mayo at me. I was like what the Hellman?!"
u/p0p_thAt / reddit.com

4.Now, we'll take you from not having to think at all to thinking a little too hard for this sign.

Confusing notice from management about resolving a task today that wasn't done yesterday, emphasizing immediate action despite unclear wording
u/FlyUnlucky7286 / reddit.com

5.This one might also make your brain hurt.

Sign advising to flush toilets before adding paper due to limited capacity, suggesting repeated flushing for larger amounts
u/pratermade / reddit.com

6.Here's a new place that I guess I missed in Harry Potter.

Library sign with the heading "Reading Takes You Places," featuring Narnia, Neverland, Wonderland, Green Gable, and Hogwarts as directions
u/kreestar / reddit.com

7.I am confused and a tad disturbed by this one.

Sign with humorous text: "2 pizza slices and a cock only $5! Snake cakes for a dollar"
u/Vomitron215 / reddit.com


Flyer titled "Staying Safe at the Glory Hole" with tips on hygiene, avoiding gendered language, and safety practices
u/fsidesmith6932 / reddit.com

9.Is this where Kevin from The Office is working now?!

Cereal boxes stacked on pallets with a sign: "Kevin orders too much Part 2... (Cereal Edition)"
u/Trippy-Sponge / reddit.com

10.I think this one speaks for itself.

Person dressed as a grim reaper on a city street holds a sign saying, "Anti-vaxxers are great for my business!"
u/howardkinsd / reddit.com

11.It appears this snow removal service needs to also hire a service to remove the snow from their signs.

Snow removal sign partially covered by snow on a snowy ground
u/Toxic_Don / reddit.com

12.I just...what?

Sign on wall reads, "Please do not put garbage in trash containers."
u/Upstairs-Storm1006 / reddit.com

13.I have questions for whoever thought up the name of this plaza.

Shopping plaza named "Cum Park Plaza" and "Cum Park Grill" signs with multiple store logos underneath
u/CardiacCats89 / reddit.com

14.And the same with this one.

Storefront with a sign reading "Free Kids Outlet" above a glass door
u/TurkeyVolumeGuesser / reddit.com

15.I didn't know this wasn't an obvious thing, but I appreciate the transparency.

Plate of crispy bacon strips labeled "Bacon [Contains Pork]" on a buffet
u/WTFO4 / reddit.com

16.And, finally, the mastermind behind this sign who is just trying to keep everyone safe.

Sign by a rural road reads: "SLOW DOWN YOU SONS A BITCHES." It is placed on grass near a fence
u/BowlerLive8820 / reddit.com

Hope you had a good laugh! Come back next week for more comic relief!