Happy Friday! This week's Confusing Perspective roundup from Reddit is ELITE, so let's jump right into it:
1. This door handle is not in front of the TV:
It is actually behind it. u/SAM5TER5 explained, "So I think the TV is a bit closer to the camera than it seems, and the handle we’re seeing on the TV is a reflection of the door handle to the right of the door. I think a big part of the illusion is that the reflection angle looks impossible because our brains are convinced that the TV is practically touching the door."
u/surubelnita8 / reddit.com 2. These tables are not floating:
If you look closely, you can see they are being held up by clear glass stands.
u/Rlchv70 / reddit.com 3. This is not a weird and shiny parking lot:
It is the side of a super shiny car reflecting the ground.
u/noobiebutslutty / reddit.com 4. This isn't a photoshopped pic, it is someone looking down from their apartment window:
You're supposed to rotate the pic 90 degrees to the left and it'll make sense but I still don't see it so someone please explain it for me in the comments.
u/covinjo / reddit.com 5. This is not a bush coming out of the water:
This entire bush is actually under water. A shadow over part of the water removes the glare, making the plant crystal clear.
u/elri122 / reddit.com 6. Believe it or not, but this wall does actually end:
With the pattern of the tile, it is hard to tell. The line separating the wall from the floor is actually halfway up the middle of the washing machine drum.
u/sashatikhonov / reddit.com 7. This is not a person with a weird-shaped leg:
It is a foot with the toes bent backwards.
u/Ditt1e / reddit.com 8. This building does not have all connecting stairs:
It is just the shadow of the railing from each balcony.
u/Ollomont / reddit.com 9. This building was not purposely built like a chia pet:
The tree behind it just happens to align perfectly with his head.
u/MD11X6 / reddit.com 10. This is not a giant bird:
The bird is standing on rocks very close to the person who took the pic, and the person sitting toward the beach is further away.
u/steve74656 / reddit.com 11. This person does not have a backwards bottom half:
They are faced the opposite direction and their black pants just blend in with the background.
u/CupOfCreamyDiarrhea / reddit.com 12. And this woman is not on a stilts:
It is the back of her tall (but skinny) heels.
u/yourfavthicklatina / reddit.com 13. This dog does not have really old and scary teeth:
He has some sort of play fake teeth situation going on!
u/Classic_Product_9345 / reddit.com 14. This person isn't driving behind a giant booty:
It is a tunnel with lights lining the top.
u/CurveNorth158 / reddit.com 15. And, finally, is this a single, double, or triple rainbow?:
It is actually a double, the third rainbow is a reflection from the glass.
u/designkase / reddit.com If you want to see more, check out last week's roundup... and come back next Friday for more!