14 Internet Fails From This Week That'll Make You Laugh So Hard You'll Shed A Tear

Well, it's been another week, which means another seven days in which people experienced hilarious fails. Here's a list of the best ones from this past week:

1. Political texts should be as mellow as possible.

Twitter: @AnnaKrauthamer


2. This'll be a fun date with just a few hidden fees.

Twitter: @postboob

3. Well, thanks for letting me know.

Twitter: @missmulrooney

4. Appreciate all the help.

Twitter: @miakanaiko


5. Technically, I guess that's still a gathering of some kind.

Twitter: @elainesim28

6. Thank you all so much for your concern.

Twitter: @SadiqoJN

7. This is why people are giving their kids unique names.

Twitter: @daddygofish


8. As long as it still tastes good, this is fine.

Twitter: @JMKaay

9. That's not a meal. Those are just ingredients in a takeout container.

Twitter: @olly_waldron

10. Should I introduce myself, or...?

Twitter: @savannahelisse


11. You know what? Close enough.

Twitter: @boneysoups

12. Okay but next time it will definitely be different.

Twitter: @svershbow

13. Which one did you make today?

Twitter: @im_all_id

14. And finally...yeah, all my things have price tags on them.

Twitter: @dollbunyan

If you enjoyed these laughs, go follow the creators! And for more fails, check out our most recent posts:

These 17 Internet Fails Will Make You Laugh So Hard You'll Forget It's Monday

22 Internet Fails From This Week That Are So Good You'll Forget There Are Only 3 Months Left In The Year

It's Okay To Laugh At These 24 Internet Fails Because They Didn't Happen To You