Isabella Cruise: Tom and Nicole's daughter opens up

She was the little girl who remained silent through it all – the divorce of her parents Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, her Aussie mother’s new life away from her family and the bizarre religious scandals that have beset her father.

NEWS: Isabella Cruise engagement rumours

And while Isabella Cruise’s athletic and handsome younger brother Connor appears front and centre in Tom’s life as the teen attempts to launch a movie career, she has seemingly taken a back seat – sometimes photographed sullenly tagging behind her stepmum Katie Holmes and half-sister Suri.

But now, out of the family mansion and on her own, Isabella, 19, has revealed some of her secrets. She’s posted more than 80 works of art in pen, crayon and watercolour online with the message: ‘Art for sale.’

It’s unknown how many pieces have been snapped up, but experts tell New Idea her art is truly a window to her soul, appearing to reveal she is still very hurt after her parents’ 2001 divorce.


New Idea can also reveal Isabella’s emotional love poems written to her new lover, fellow Beverly Hills Scientologist Eddie Frencher, who plays guitar in her new band, Feels Like Home.

‘I waited a few thousand years to find what makes my heart beat,’ she gushes in one poem.

Sensitive Isabella, who lived with her millionaire father since his high-profile divorce from Nicole, has been home-schooled and, according to her Facebook profile, still follows Scientology.

She writes on her profile: ‘It would mean the world to me if you checked out this [Scientology recruitment video]. It will answer your questions!’

The teen has also written some verses that possibly give insight into the trauma of growing up as the daughter of superstars: ‘Locked away with no key/Nobody else can unlock the mysteries and sadness that lie within,’ she wrote on January 7.


GALLERY: All grown up: Connor and Isabella Cruise

In contrast to her gilded life growing up, she talks of midnight bus rides to ‘see my boo’, who lives not far away from her LA home.

She doesn’t seem to have a car and complains about her noisy neighbours, confirming that she has shunned Tom’s multimillion-dollar home for a normal apartment.

And despite being the daughter of one of Hollywood’s richest stars, Isabella also posted a link to her eBay page, where she’s auctioning a Prada backpack for just $555 – a hefty discount off the retail price of $795.

Now Hollywood watchers are asking: Has Isabella been cut off from Tom’s millions, or is she just enjoying living life as a decidedly normal teenager?