Gemini: Six Month Horoscope
Gemini is the sign most comfortable with change, but the past few months have just about maxed out your ability to bend to those winds. You've survived an alteration in personal life, dealt with financial problems, and spun through a career shake-up, while an alliance you counted on fell apart. Yet these events are opening a different life for you - and, at least, you've stopped rationalising about all the reasons you can't let go. In your
heart, you've started fantasising about steps you can take to get out of a prison. The big astrological news is that Jupiter is entering your House of Career, which will bring adventure and stability. Life has already taught you how pointless it is to stay put for safety's sake and still not get what you want, but the next six months will highlight a major communication project that will ensure your genius is applauded. And because of all of your hard work, you'll be viewed as an expert in a subject that sets you apart. You'll draw on your varied talents as an ideas person, a problem-solver and an organiser of people - as well as business knowledge you've gained - to become queen of a moneymaking enterprise. LOVE AND SEX
When someone tells the truth, they start to live an authentic life. This has been a difficult cosmic lesson, yet you rose to the challenge of being truthful and refused to hide. Whether you've recently begun, renegotiated or ended a relationship, you've also learnt through hard times the power of detachment. This sounds odd, given you're such a sharer and how much you need closeness, but you've discovered an essential self that you can "take back" when someone has overstepped certain boundaries. This empowerment will now lead you to make an extraordinary romantic decision. Passionate Mars is entering your House of Love, which means the very elements of a previous relationship that made you feel anxious will now give you peace of mind. Old fear and ambivalence vanish as you experience the devotion of a true love. In this relationship, you'll know the psychic harmony of intimacy - it will feel like a downy nest of emotional security. The best part is you'll have freedom and variety (to pursue hobbies, friendships, work), and also have the support of a fiercely faithful commitment.