Inside our March issue

The March issue of Women's Health with Rachael Taylor on the cover.
The March issue of Women's Health with Rachael Taylor on the cover.

The March issue of Women's Health with Rachael Taylor on the cover.

High five! You’ve had a break and are easing your way back into your routine, so now’s a great time to start plotting exactly what you want from your job – whether that’s flexibility, new responsibilities, or yes, more dinero.

Related: Rachael Taylor's A-list wellness secrets revealed

Related: Women's Health 2015 cover girls

It might even be time to veer off your current career path and find a whole new tangent. To help you make that invigorating leap, we spoke to real women who’ve taken career U-turns that have paid off – flick to p52 and I bet some of their learnings help you make your next step (or at least inspire you to ask for that flex time/promotion/office Pug).

But even if you aren’t planning a big switch this year, no doubt you’re looking for a few shortcuts to help make the most of these final few weeks of summer.

So, this issue we’ve put together a 25-page recipe special to help you cook good, clean and tasty food without sweating over a mortar and pestle for hours.

RELATED: 15 minute workout: heart pumping circuit

RELATED: What to never do before you workout

And speaking of sweat – you’ll do it in buckets when you road-test our ultimate 15-minute workouts, p106. Each program has been expertly devised for maximum results, fast, so you can fit them into even the most gridlocked schedule. Sure, these workouts are done and dusted in a flash, but you’ll work hard and if you do them consistently you’ll get super-fit… which you’ll need to be if you’re going to enter our award-winning Next Fitness Star competition. Yep, we’ve teamed up again with Puma to search Australia for the most talented fitness pros out there. Know someone? Is that someone… you? Flick to p62 and get amongst it!