Vote for 'Morris the Cat's' Presidential Running Mate and Help an Animal Shelter Win $35,000

In August of this year, we found a renewed sense of hope with the announcement of a prestigious new candidate entering the presidential race—a candidate who champions paws-itivity and paw-licies that help everyone live the good life. That candidate is none other than Morris the Cat.

At that time, Morris was looking for a running mate that shares his beliefs, and now is the time to cast your vote for this running mate. The winner’s pet parent(s) will receive a $1,000 cash prize and the chance to choose which animal shelter will receive a $35,000 donation from 9Lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here are all of your adorable and deserving candidates!


Casper <p>9Lives</p>


Casper is a dog of the people. He loves everyone: canine (he has two pupper siblings), feline (he has four kitty siblings), and his humans. He comes from humble roots (an animal shelter in New York). He speaks with a gentle bark, rules the house with an iron paw, and shares his treats with everyone.

Lucky Jean

Lucky Jean <p>9 Lives</p>
Lucky Jean

9 Lives

Lucky Jean, with her whiskers keen.In debates, she's fierce, yet calm and clean.Her paws on the pulse, she's sharp and lean.The perfect VP, she'll reign supreme.Morris and Jean, the ultimate team.Together, they'll live the feline dream!




Oscar is ready to tackle all issues that any vice president may be confronted with, from choosing the best toys to play with, finding the best locations to nap, and working well with others. He also has the presidential purr down!

Related: 9 Lives Spokescat 'Morris' Is Running for President and Your Pet Could Be His Running Mate




Sunny is here to represent the canines on the ticket! Most importantly, the rescue dogs. Her life started being abandoned in a basement, and she’s spent the last 8 years snuggling her way up to being the best co-worker, silliest couch dweller, and the kindest soul!




West would be an excellent vice president! He is a catvocate for the right to prospurr, cat naps, kindness and care, and fostering harmony. He passionately believes in a world where anything is pawsible. West is currently on staff at Mission Meow and makes dreams come true for small rescues across the U.S.

The winner will receive a $1,000 prize and the chance to choose which animal shelter will receive a $35,000 donation from 9Lives – estimated to be worth half a million 9Lives meals.

To cast your vote, can head to to cast your vote between now and October 8.

Good luck to all of these wonderful pets!