VP Kamala Harris Didn't Get The Nickname "Silk Press" For Nothing — Come Along With Us As She Details Her Hair Journey

First order of business: hair! Vice President Kamala Harris is serving policies and looks in the White House, and she told us all about it!

Vice President Kamala Harris stands by the US flag, dressed in formal attire for an official event
Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

VP Harris was playfully given the nickname "silk press" (a service given to straighten hair without using chemicals) by Black Twitter, so it's only right that she sat down with Cocoa Butter to discuss her Hair Story.

Kamala Harris smiling, holding an old photo of herself. She is wearing a suit and a pearl necklace
Cocoa Butter

In the episode, VP Harris took us on a trip down memory lane through her hair journey, which included childhood flashbacks of her mother sending her to school in braids every day and how she would constantly take them out...

Kamala Harris holding a black and white childhood photo of herself
Cocoa Butter

...as well as her high school and college years, where she explored a variety of hairstyles (predominantly short cuts) and how she really dove into student government and political protests.

Kamala Harris sits at a table, smiling, looking at a photograph in her hands
Cocoa Butter

But we don't want to give away too much! Be sure to check out VP Harris and her full Cocoa Butter Hair Story episode below: