Quit Racking Your Brain for Bumble Prompt Answers and Use These Instead

best bumble prompts, best bumble prompt answers
30 Best Bumble Prompts for Your ProfileJim Arbogast - Getty Images

If the thought of answering the Bumble prompts on your profile stresses you out, you’re not alone. It’s intimidating to narrow down what kind of prompts to answer and what information to share about yourself in order to communicate your personality and values. In fact, people even enlist the help of sex therapists to get them through it!

“I help my clients fill out their profiles all the time,” explains AASECT-certified sex therapist Jenni Skyler, PhD, director of The Intimacy Institute. Trust: It’s totally normal to worry, but don’t let that stop you from trying. Start by choosing the best Bumble prompts for you (not your BFF, not your co-worker, you!) and “being as clear as possible in your answers about what you want and who you are,” Skyler says. Don’t include what you think potential dates want to hear. Hiding who you are in your profile will only result in matches and dates that aren’t really a fit, so be straight-up when answering prompts.

For instance, if you’re looking for someone who shares your same religious affiliation, political identity, dedication to sobriety or children, and anything else that’s important to you, specify that in your prompt answers. “It weeds out people who won’t fundamentally match with your wants and needs,” Skyler explains.

It also doesn’t hurt to be unique and stand out from the rest of the Bumble users out there, says Skyler, Ss pick prompts that help you do just that. For a bit of inspiration, here’s what sex and relationship experts recommend as the 30 best Bumble prompts to include on your profile, plus some tips on how to get started writing answers on your own.

1. My current obsession is…

This prompt helps other users understand what kinds of hobbies and special interests you have, explains sex therapist Janet Brito, PhD, founder of the Hawaii Center for Sexual and Relationship Health. “It gives you some common ground to potentially start with. People can respond and say, ‘Wow, that’s my obsession, too.’” Or, it opens the door for them to ask you a question in their message.

What you can say:

  • Love Island USA. [Or insert whatever other reality TV show you love.] I’ve been watching it all summer long.

  • The A Court of Thorns and Roses book series. [Or insert whatever your hyper-fixation book is right now.] I can’t put them down!

  • My new puppy! [Or kitten… Insert your pet here!]

2. I will never judge you about…

Seriously, though. What would you never judge someone for doing? Whether it’s having a messy room, working late, or not responding to a text, this question gives you a chance to show what kind of behaviors you're indifferent about that someone else miiight not like. Consider it an opportunity to stand out from the crowd with a memorable answer—but definitely don’t lie!

What you can say:

  • Not finishing the milk in your cereal bowl. I don’t either!

  • Needing coffee in order to function. Caffeine consumption is my superpower.

  • Preferring to stay at home on the weekends instead of socializing. I need downtime!

3. My mental health game changer was…

Don’t disclose too much with this question, Brito says. You don’t want to overload potential dates with TMI too soon! That said, this is a great prompt to use to be transparent about your coping skills, Brito explains. You can show potential dates you value your mental health (which is hot!) by saying you go to therapy, exercise, read, etc. Whatever helps your mental health thrive is great to put here!

What you can say:

  • Joining a run club. It gets me outdoors and has helped me make new friends!

  • Finding a therapist. I’ve been going for years!

  • Volunteering at [insert organization] every weekend.

4. If I could donate a million dollars, it’d be to…

While this question might seem silly up front, it’s actually a great way to “tell people your values and who you are as a person,” Brito says. Why? “It shares with people what you believe is important in life,” Brito explains, especially when it comes to political or religious beliefs. And if someone vehemently disagrees with how or where you would donate the money, perhaps it’s a sign your values don’t align, and you shouldn’t move forward with a date.

What you can say:

  • My city’s animal shelter. They deserve all the love in the world.

  • [Insert organization here], because I’ve been involved with them for years and I want to pay it forward.

  • [Insert person here], since they’ve been of so much help to me in the past.

5. I’m known for…

Think about it: What do your friends and family consider one of your defining traits? Maybe it’s making a killer homemade pizza, or being the first one out the door in the morning to work out on vacation. Whatever it is, this is a chance to spill a bit about yourself. It opens up the opportunity for conversation over shared (or differing!) characteristics or interests between you and potential dates.

What you can say:

  • Being the first one up every morning. I’m an early riser.

  • Making the best [insert dish here] and bringing it to every party.

  • Giving the best hugs.

6. As a child, I was really into…

“This is a great way to show people what you were exposed to as a child, and what kinds of hobbies or interests were encouraged in your home,” Brito says. It’s also a chance for you to talk about “teachers or mentors that inspired you." People can learn more about how you developed certain skills or habits in adulthood, which could spark a connection or facilitate more conversation overall.

What you can say:

  • Playing piano. My childhood instructor [insert name] was the best.

  • Soccer! [Insert favorite sports player] was my idol.

  • Foursquare. I was so good, I was kind of recess royalty!

7. I’m hoping you…

Don’t put too much pressure on potential dates in your answer here, but also don’t be afraid to spill what you’re actually hoping for in your next relationship. You can tell them you want to take them out to a specific restaurant you’ve been dying to try. Or, you can say you hope they’ll accept one of your weird habits. (Like brushing your teeth in the shower, lol.) Don’t be afraid to be silly here, but also, be honest—it’ll help you break down each other’s walls and get to the core of who you are as people.

What you can say:

  • Don’t judge me for how many t-shirts I own!

  • Will want to go to [insert restaurant] with me. They have the best [insert menu item].

  • Love to exercise. I need a running buddy!

8. My favorite fact…

Whatever you’re a fanatic of, make it known here. Share a fun fact about the way your favorite movie was made or how many rooms a royal palace had—but no matter what you choose, make sure it reveals a bit about your unique interests or hobbies! Think of this as a way to open up your conversation with potential dates, who hopefully share facts of their own in return.

What you can say:

  • Is that New York City taxis used to be red and green, not yellow.

  • The tallest building in the world is in Dubai!

  • Elvis Presley liked sandwiches with peanut butter, banana, and bacon on them!

9. My most recent act of kindness is…

While you might be wary of hyping yourself up too much, this prompt is actually a great way to show what you care about. “It demonstrates what you value, who you are, and who you give your time to,” Brito says, which can be a super sweet way to get to know someone. What you consider to be kind also says a lot about you! All in all, it’s a great prompt to answer if you’re looking to get deep with potential dates.

What you can say:

  • Buying donuts for my entire office last Friday.

  • Making my best friend some homemade soup when she was sick.

  • Creating a photo album for my parents after our last family vacation.

10. Two truths and a lie…

Think of this one as more of a conversation starter! It’s the perfect prompt for garnering responses from matches, who can reach out trying to decipher the truth behind your statements. Make them easy to guess or hard, but no matter what, try to infuse a bit of your personality in there! Pretend you're playing with friends: What would make them laugh? What might peak their interest? What are facts that people should definitely know about you?

What you can say:

  • I love watching movies about [insert genre]. My favorite director is [insert here]. But I hate [insert movie].

  • I play [insert sport] every weekend. I’ve seen [insert number] musicals in my life. I’m obsessed with [insert musician].

  • I’m from [insert location] originally. I’ve moved [insert number] many times in my life. I’m amazing at cooking [insert dish].

11. After work you can find me…

This prompt gives you the opportunity to tell people how you like to prioritize your free time, Skyler explains. It’s your chance to tell someone whether you’re a gym rat, love a good post-work happy hour, prefer to curl up with a movie, and more. It’ll give them an idea of your nighttime rituals and if you might have habits in common that you can take up together in the future.

What you can say:

  • I like to hit the gym or go to my favorite workout class. (Don’t be afraid to specify which one!)

  • I unwind by grabbing happy hour drinks and dinner with my friends or co-workers.

  • Wrapping myself in a blanket and watching a movie is the move for me.

12. I’m most grateful for…

If you answer this one seriously and specifically, it can be a great way to speak to your personality and values. “You’re trying to showcase who you really are and what makes you different,” Skyler notes. Maybe you have kids and want to mention that you’re grateful for them. Or perhaps you’re a pet owner who appreciates coming home to your pup after a long day. Maybe you’re grateful for specific friends, family members, or a roof over your head. Whatever it is, be specific so that matches can learn more about you through this Q.

What you can say:

  • My kids, who I get to take care of for half of the week.

  • My dog, who makes sure I leave the house for plenty of walks throughout the day.

  • My home, which I worked really hard to turn into my little sanctuary.

13. Must-see movie…

Who knows, maybe you and a match might have a favorite movie in common! Better yet, though, use this general question as a way to express more about yourself. Why is this movie a must-see for you? When did you first see it? What did it teach you or how often do you think about it? Don’t just give a bare bones answer. Really personalize how you go about this one.

What you can say:

  • [Insert title] was the first movie I watched with my father. It means so much to me, and I always think of him whenever I see it! It reminds me that….

  • [Insert title] was the first movie that taught me…

  • I love [insert title] because [insert name] is my favorite director of all time. I’d love to know your thoughts!

14. We’ll get along if…

“This question allows you to share the kind of experiences that you’re looking for—especially ones you’re looking to share with a future partner,” explains Brito. Basically, it allows you to find people who share common interests with you. But make sure you’re keeping it specific! Don’t write a throwaway answer. Think about what you’d actually need in order to find your match.

What you can say:

  • You absolutely *need* to live in a warm climate.

  • You prefer staying in with a glass of wine to going out for drinks.

  • You can’t live without having a pet in your life.

15. If I could eat one meal for the rest of my life…

The importance of answering this prompt will depend on the person, Brito says. If you’re not much of a foodie or into cooking, you could probably skip it, since it’s not going to help reveal more about your personality or interests. If you *are* super into food, though, Brito says you could use this one as an opportunity to flex your cooking skills, or share your favorite restaurant that you’d love to take someone out to on a date.

What you can say:

  • The big bowl of pasta sauce that I make for my friends every Sunday.

  • The [insert dish here] from [insert restaurant here]. It’s my favorite spot in [insert city or town here]! And I’d love to take you there on a date.

  • My grandmother taught me how to make her famous apple pie, and everyone tells me it’s the best thing they’ve ever eaten.

16. My hidden talent…

Sure, feel free to be silly here. But it would also be wise to use this as an opportunity to talk about something you bring to the table. Are you a pro at building furniture? Are you an amazing party host? Where did you learn the talent? Let potential matches know and feel free to be creative. Don’t write this one off even if it seems simple.

What you can say:

  • I can build absolutely anything from IKEA, no matter how obscure the directions are. I’ve built so many furniture pieces because…

  • I never use the maps app on my phone. My brain is like a compass. I always know where I’m going because….

  • I’m amazing at folding clothes and organizing. I used to work retail at…

17. If I had an extra hour in the day, I would…

With this one, let potential matches know what kind of hobbies or activities you’d like to pick up if you had the time. It gives them a glimpse into the kind of life you’d like to lead, and maybe together, you can help each other make the space for these habits. (Even if you never truly get that extra hour!)

What you can say:

  • I would go on more runs along the river. Let’s jog for our first date? Coffee on me once we finish.

  • I’d call my family members more. Talking to them on the phone reminds me of home, and it’s important to me that I check in on what they’re doing.

  • I’d read more. In fact, I just signed up for a library card. Let’s chat among the stacks?

18. The world would be a better place with more…

Consider this question an opportunity to delve into your deeper, more philosophical or existential thoughts, Brito says. Again, don’t treat it as a throwaway! (Unless you can think of an answer that really shows off your specific sense of humor.) “Use this as a way to talk about topics that are a little more value-driven,” Brito says. That way, it gives the person viewing your profile a chance to see if your views align. And if they don’t? That’s great, because then neither of you wasted your time.

What you can say:

  • People spent less time on social media and more time face-to-face. So let’s meet up?

  • More people respected and understood that everyone deserves [insert opinion here].

  • Mandatory vacation days and sabbatical leaves.

19. My childhood celebrity crush is…

Yes, you can gush about Zac Efron here. But tell people what made you fall in love with him. Where did you first see his movies? Did you have posters all over your bedroom? Were you the top or bottom bunk? Add fun, personal details to make sure people are getting enough out of this question besides info about your childhood fave.

What you can say:

  • Have you ever heard of Kristen Stewart? Yeah…

  • My sisters and I had Daniel Radcliffe posters all over our bedroom…

  • Let’s just say I’ve been to a lot of Harry Styles concerts…

20. Beach or mountains…

If you don’t want to delve into the philosophical, that’s okay. You can use easier “this or that” prompts like this one that are general, but act “like an ice breaker,” Brito says. Make sure you don’t fall into the trap of not saying much about yourself, though. Whether you choose the beach or the mountains, make sure you also give a reason why that reveals a bit more about your personality.

What you can say:

  • The mountains are the way to go for me. Hiking is how I clear my head and connect with nature on a deeper level. I like being introspective there!

  • I can’t live without access to the beach. Being by the ocean calms me more than anything.

  • Why not both? I’d love to experience both with a partner because…

21. Nightclub or Netflix…

Again, these shorter prompts are a way to “get the conversation started,” Brito says. But be specific! This one gives you the chance to elaborate on your personality and how you like to spend your time off. That said, if neither nightclubs or Netflix resonate with you, skip it! Or say why in your answer.

What you can say:

  • Nightclub, because I prefer to be surrounded by others than alone. Plus, the dancing of course.

  • Netflix, because I lead a busy life and I need time to recuperate!

  • Neither. Or both. Whatever my friends and I have planned for the weekend, I’m always down to go with the flow!

22. I quote too much from…

Let this prompt be a chance for you to talk about your interests—and maybe the person viewing your profile will share some of them, too. Whether you write that you quote a movie, a meme, or a book, be specific and make sure it’s something that’s actually meaningful to you.

What you can say:

  • Napoleon Dynamite. It made quite the impression on me, hah.

  • I promise not to say The Office, but don’t judge me when I say…

  • Anything from The Kardashians is fair game for me.

23. My perfect Sunday…

Are you a nine to five person? Do you work weekends? What does your Sunday actually look like? Let the reader know, then explain what would make it legit perfect. Again, let potential matches into your world so people can get a sense of what you’re really like IRL.

What you can say:

  • If I’m off of work, I bask in reading the newspaper, making my coffee, walking my dog, and making a delicious Sunday dinner.

  • In a perfect world, since I have work on Mondays, I’m all about a Sunday reset. I like to make time to clean my house, do laundry, go to the grocery store, and more—basically all those things that would stress me out during the work week!

  • I’m usually recovering from a night out, hah. Join me for a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel?

24. The person/thing that holds me the most accountable is…

“If you're honest about this one, it’s a really good prompt. It shows your guiding principles, whether you answer something like ‘God’ or ‘my daughter’ or ‘my journal,’” Brito says. Overall, it’s a chance to convey a lot of information to potential matches about whether or not you might be a good fit.

What you can say:

  • My dog. Knowing I have to walk her multiple times per day, feed her, and give her attention makes me a more organized and reliable person.

  • My child. They are the light of my life and the reason I wake up in the morning!

  • Myself. I know that at the end of the day, the only person who is going to get things done for myself is me.

25. If I had three wishes, I’d wish for…

Endless money? World peace? Whatever it is, let the reader know what your wishes are with specificity and care. Try to give a sentence or two explaining why you chose these things, too. Or, spend time thinking about them so they actually show off your values and personality.

What you can say:

  • The money to buy a…

  • A house in…

  • One more day with…

26. Best travel story…

Odds are you don’t want to make “travel” a personality trait unless it's an actual passion of yours. But use this prompt as a chance to share an anecdote about an experience that speaks to something greater about you. Be sure to include details like who you traveled with, how long you were there, how old you were, etc.

What you can say:

  • I went to Bali with my friends during college and we met…

  • When I traveled solo to [insert location], I’ll never forget seeing…

  • The first time I went on an airplane…

27. My dream dinner guest…

This gives you a chance to show future matches what kinds of people you admire in life. Maybe you’d like to have dinner with a relative who passed, or someone in your field whose brain you’d like to pick for ideas. Whoever it is, this is a chance to show people a little glimpse into your values and the kinds of conversations that are important to you.

What you can say:

  • The next president. I have some ideas for…

  • My relative who passed away, because…

  • LeBron James. I want to know what it takes to be a professional at your craft.

28. Favorite quality in a person…

You don’t have to answer this one in a romantic context. Maybe you can write about how you love your sibling because they’re super laid back. Or you love your best friend because they’re always down to try something new with you. Make this an opportunity for your match to learn more about the people you include in your life. Maybe they’ll resonate with the answer.

What you can say:

  • I love someone who is super laid back, like my bestie.

  • People who can have fun no matter what they’re doing.

  • I like those who aren’t afraid to voice their opinion.

29. If I could have a superpower it would be…

Don’t let this low-stakes prompt fool you. It can definitely still be used as an opportunity to say more about yourself. Think about what kinds of superpowers might give you access to the life you want to live or the world you want to see, then write from there.

What you can say:

  • Teleportation, so that I could travel easily and cost-free.

  • I’d snap and make food appear, so that myself (and everyone else) would never be hungry.

  • I’ve always wanted to be invisible because then I could sneak in anywhere…

30. Go-to karaoke song is…

Again, don’t let this simple Q go to waste. Maybe you always sing songs from a specific movie because it holds a special place in your heart, or you’re a fan of a certain artist because they speak to your soul. Like the experts said, use this prompt as a way to convey specifics about you to a potential romantic interest.

What you can say:

  • I’m always going to choose an ABBA song. I used to watch Mama Mia with…

  • I’m not shy about anything from Taylor Swift’s 1989 re-release, TBH.

  • If they’ve got Michael Jackson on the song list, I’m there.

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