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The 'life-changing' hair supplements shoppers are raving about

Transform your hair with these affordable supplements.

As winter ends, your hair might be looking dry, brittle or dull. Although topical treatments can help, hair is like skin; best nourished from the inside in order to make a lasting difference with noticeable results.

Effective supplements, like those you take for your skin or nails, can do more than just help hair that's damaged by heat or dry air. They can help hair growth, prevent scalp issues, and help thinning hair become fuller and thicker.

Aéde Hair Activist and Power Activist supplements
Aéde's premium hair supplements are designed to help with hair loss, hair thinning and scalp problems. Photo: Supplied

Shoppers can't get enough of Aéde's "life-changing" supplement, which is designed to help give you healthy, thick hair.

"I'm not usually one to take vitamins but after years of thin, lanky hair I decided to give these a go. I've never believed I would be a person with thick and healthy hair," wrote one delighted customer in an online review.

"I am a complete convert... amazed at the results after such a short time... truly incredible," agreed another.


Aéde's premium hair supplements are formulated by naturopaths, chemists and scientists who specialise in creating complementary medicines backed by scientific research. They've made two supplements, each designed for different needs.

Before and after photos of damaged and strong hair
Hair Activist by Aéde can help hair become thicker and grow more quickly. Photo: Aéde

Hair Activist is a daily supplement designed to support natural, healthy hair growth, boost collagen production and reduce free radical damage. It's made with a blend of potent vitamins, minerals and antioxidants including riboflavin, biotin, silicon and zinc to aid longer, stronger, shinier strands.

What can Hair Activist heIp with? It's ideal for hair that's thinning or shedding, dry or brittle, an oily, itchy or sore scalp, or anyone who has a long history of taking medication or antibiotics.

Customers love the results, with one writing: "Two and a half months in, this product actually delivers what it says. Less hair fall and fuller, healthier hair. Truly incredible."

Before and after photos of thinning and thick hair
Aéde's Power Activist supplement is the answer many people with thinning hair have been looking for. Photo: Supplied

If you're dealing with hormonal imbalances or stress-related hair loss, the Power Activist supplement could help. It contains selenium, alongside biotin and riboflavin and can help with fine hair, androgenic alopecia, hormonal hair loss associated with ageing or postpartum, and nutritional deficiencies.

Fans are raving about its impressive formula: "12 months ago you could see my scalp, but now I have lush bouncy blonde hair and very thick," said one happy user.

"At last a product that actually does what it says!" confirmed another.

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