Tell Us Your Friendsgiving Ideas If You Don't Want To Cook A Whole Meal
No matter what holiday you celebrate, everyone's calendars are always jam-packed this time of year. And with Thanksgiving quickly approaching, Friendsgiving festivities are officially here, too!
People who celebrate Friendsgiving, how do you celebrate the occassion without having to cook a whole meal?
Maybe you and your friends prefer a potluck-style gathering so no single person has to prep it all themselves?
Perhaps your group ditches dinner altogether and has a game night or DIY cocktails?
Maybe you and your friends hit a different restaurant each November to avoid the hassle of cooking and clean-up?
Or, perhaps your Friendsgiving is all about sweets and each person brings a favorite dessert to share?
Share your best Friendsgiving idea in the comments, or submit anonymously using this Google form. Your response might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!