Your Tarotscope for March's Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse
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This month is a humdinger of a Full Moon, taking place on the 14th March. Not only is it the first Lunar Eclipse of 2025 (eclipses supersize the Full Moon’s luminary powers and add unpredictable events and insights to the equation), but it's also in Virgo, which is a sign of great intellect and self improvement. This Full Moon wants you to do something...but what exactly?
Cut out the negative self-talk and chatter. Stop self-sabotaging and criticizing. Be a better ally to your own body, mind, and spirit. You have a six month time line (until the next eclipse season of 2025) to do this, so it can be a steady journey of progress and commitment. It’s hard to change lifelong habits overnight.
We all have an internal judge or critic who pounces on our every misstep and assumes others are thinking awful things about us, that probably never even crossed their mind. It’s the most futile and undermining of all mental activities. So, let’s all hold hands and resolve to stop doing this to ourselves.
How, you ask? Things like shadow work, journaling, and writing your own mantras and affirmations that can be said every time the negative chatter starts. You can also incorporate listening to music and guided meditations that help you sleep peacefully; yoga to start each day with a free-flowing energy; limitations on doom-scrolling; gazing but not staring at injustice; and starting to take steps and actions in your circle of influence to tackle things that bother you. It's time for change. Keep reading below for a tarotscope for your star sign this full moon.
Aries: Nine of Swords
This Full Moon urges you to address your negative inner voice and self-sabotaging critic with the kind of courage and ambition that only an Aries can muster! For too long, you have been overridden and plagued by insecurities (that no one would guess) and this year is the time to replace that horrible voice with one that understands, empathizes, encourages, and makes positive, practical suggestions. Talk about this with friends. Express your insecurities to folk you trust. Get them out of your head.
Taurus: Nine of Cups
This Full Moon wants you to take your dreams, fantasies, and visions of happiness seriously. Why else would the universe gift them to you, if not for you to use them IRL? Don’t push away your ideas and notions of happiness. They are meant to be a blueprint, a guide, a map to help you chart a course towards the life you truly yearn to lead. This Full Moon, Taurus, get them all down on paper and research their feasibility and next steps. Don’t let your inner judge put you off!
Gemini: Page of Swords
This Full Moon, Gemini, you are being asked to release a childhood version of yourself that you’ve somehow got stuck with, but is no longer anything like who you are. I was once a bully (that is my shadow work project) and it caused great, lasting shame. What might you have done, said, or behaved like as a child that has somehow stuck with you? Use the Full Moon’s illuminating power to see things clearly and from a sane, compassionate adult perspective. Forgive, release, heal. You are not who you once were. Let it go.
Cancer: Knight of Wands
The Full Moon wants you to face down your greatest fear: the outside world of unknowns and uncharted territories. All Cancerians are hardwired to build comfort zones (and no other sign can create such glorious ones). However, too often, they can become restricting and overly powerful, not letting you move on and experiment, find new ground, change, or thrive. This Full Moon, the Knight of Wands takes your hand and leads you down unknown pathways and avenues. Go bravely!
Leo: The Lovers
This Full Moon you are being asked to do tricky mental gymnastics of connecting the dots between your overly negative and your overly positive inner voices. You do have both. The Lovers represents Gemini, the sign of duality. And you, Leo, are a strange alchemy of over-confidence (bordering on arrogance if unchecked), versus insecurity and anxiety (of not being liked or respected, specifically). Try to help these two imposters make friends and come to a more neutral, sustainable, and grounded point of view about who you are. Find the middle ground for your inner voices.
Virgo: Knight of Cups
This Full Moon is particularly important for you as it is in your sign and therefore speaks directly to you. Sit in the moonlight this week and reflect on your character, your strengths, your talents, and your achievements. Turn your face to the light side of the moon, Virgo. The Knight of Cups pours sugar and honey over your fraught mental processes, helping to soothe and sweeten the content. You are way too harsh on yourself, and you almost need to push the pendulum hard in the other direction. Try it. Make it happen. You need this reboot.
Libra: Eight of Swords
This Full Moon asks you to focus on the theme of projection, Libra. Notice what you assume others are thinking about you, or the motivations for their actions. Notice traits and behaviors that trigger a strong dislike in you. Often, other people can act as a mirror to ourselves. We project out what we want rid of from within. What we don’t like in other people can lead us, if we’re brave, back to what we shun in our own nature. Libra, follow the clues and have a revelation about a part of you that you shut down. This will be liberating and empowering. You will feel actual relief at recognizing this pattern and therefore releasing yourself from its grip.
Scorpio: Two of Coins
Scorpio, this Full Moon is a time to let as many new opinions, ideas, energies, inputs, advice, feedback, and stimulus into your realm as possible. Imagine a beam of new power surging into your mind. Imagine being illuminated by a glowing lunar sphere of knowledge and influence and taking what you need from it. First you have to expose yourself to it which means seeking those new inputs. The Two of Coins is abundance. Doing more will lead to more things doing! You’re about to enter a super-charged phase of growth and development that is fueled by the inputs you take on board and use to leapfrog into new headspace, outlooks, and territories. This Full Moon is a turning point in your trajectory. It starts with absorption and assimilation. Get ready to receive, learn, and use what you know.
Sagittarius: Ace of Swords
This Full Moon will yield powerful truths to you. Truth is a very loaded concept in your realm anyway, Sagittarius. Your sign is known as a blunt and direct truth teller—no filter, always honest, and transparent. Well, the truth will flow back the other way towards you, and you will learn some home truths and insights that really stir you up and show clear next steps towards personal development and better relationships. Welcome the truth—it is an ally and friend, it’s an illuminating force that helps you see yourself and your progress and potential. Other people’s ideas and observations can unlock new pathways; let them do so. Be open-minded. Be open-hearted. This Full Moon is magical.
Capricorn: Three of Pentacles
This Full Moon will bring the appreciation, high regard, and respect from other people that you truly admire yourself. Capricorn, I implore you to listen to and really accept their compliments, flattery, and insight. You are one of the hardest-on-yourself people in the zodiac. You are ruthlessly perceptive and negative about everything you say and do. It is counter-productive. Take a time out and let the kind words and feelings of other sink in—they mean it! You are valued, respected, and thought highly of. You are in demand. You are loved. This Full Moon, let the inner critic rest (permanently) and let a new voice of reason and compassion and encouragement emerge. A game changing moment.
Aquarius: King of Swords
This Full Moon truly provides a glimpse of your potential and "best self" future. The King of Swords is the pinnacle card of your sign’s element (Air) in the tarot and it shows you at your best: intellectual, progressive, inventive, rational, shrewd, worldly, and proactive. You have the capacity to change the world, and I don’t say this lightly. All Aquarians are a little bit eccentric, wired differently, and unique. You see things differently and therefore bring fresh solutions to old problems. You are a natural inventor. The King of Swords coming into this healing, eclipse Full Moon activates some wild, unexpected event or opportunity that offers you the chance to set foot on the first step of your destiny’s path. Maybe education, career change, a relationship or collaboration, or a new idea. Be open-minded. Something is coming.
Pisces: Queen of Coins
This Full Moon will make you feel more powerful and vibrant than you have for a minute, Pisces. You will feel beautiful, strong, vital, wealthy in opportunity, and ready to take control of everything in your realm that is your responsibility, like health, wealth, work, and home. All the fundamental building blocks of life will be visible before you and what you need to do for the best in each area will be obvious. This Full Moon in your own zodiac season is illuminating and encouraging for you. It is going to help you make great strides in your life by taking ownership of the basics, of the essential elements that underpin everything. Health, wealth, work, and home. These are your to-do areas. Get to work.
For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry's TarotBella page.
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