How Spring's Mercury Retrograde Impacts Your Zodiac Sign

From March 14 to April 7, 2025, Mercury will be retrograde. The planet of communication traces its steps backward about three to four times a year, making it a quarterly, common transit.

This Spring 2025's Mercury retrograde will begin in the sign of Aries. On March 29, it will retrograde back into Pisces, where it will remain for the remainder of its retrograde cycle. While this transit will impact all star signs, some will be more impacted than others.

Read on to discover how the Aries-Pisces Mercury retrograde from March to April 2025 will impact your zodiac sign. Expert astrologers share how you can survive this transit most effectively, reframing a transit many fear for its sound, healing potential.

Mercury Retrograde Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign in Spring 2025

Read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


READ: 4 Most Spiritually-Gifted Zodiac Signs


This Mercury retrograde cycle will impact you closely, Aries. With Mercury retrograde beginning in your sign on March 14, you're called to be intentional with your words. Try to be mindful of your tone, approach, and practice patience with others. Listening will hold more power than speaking oftentimes. You may feel confused or indecision about your overall life direction, but have no fear. By the end of this transit on April 7, you'll have the mental clarity you crave to take on new, confident approaches.


This Mercury retrograde cycle sheds light on Taurus' inner world. Their intuition heightens, revealing truths or details they dismissed prior. Taking off rose-colored glasses allows this Earth sign to see the mysterious phenomena that was holding them back all along. Whether you've been avoiding a hard conversation, unhealthy coping skill, or unhelpful approach to your emotions, this Mercury retrograde pushes you to authentically heal.


This Mercury retrograde arrives with a bang, hitting your social circle. Expect sudden realizations around coworkers, friends, or anyone you regularly relate to or work with. Miscommunications may crop up, revealing overlooked details from the past that were brushed under the rug without proper consideration. By the end of this transit, you'll resolve tensions and move forwards with more clarity about the people you're connected with.


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Cancer is shifting their expectations around career or the workplace. This Mercury retrograde teaches them the power of detachment, knowing when its time to push harder towards their goals versus maintain what's already going in their favor. Avoid burnout at all costs. If not, you may run into unnecessary miscommunication, missed deadlines, and other technical errors. Your mind needs a rest from striving, so use this as an opportunity to regulate, rest, and strategize for plans after the retrograde ends.


Spring's Mercury retrograde hits Leo's philosophy sector. It becomes more important than ever to question what you read, see, or hear before believing it to be an unbendable truth. Practice critical thinking. Going based on blind faith alone can lead to challenging moral dilemmas or ego battles. During this time, the universe urges you to challenge outdated notions or perspectives, venturing out of your intellectual comfort zone.


This Mercury retrograde, Virgo is feeling introspective. The planet of communication is tracing steps backward in their intimacy sector, triggering deep emotional reactions. Miscommunications with those you rely on most can bring suppressed memories, traumas, or fears to the surface. Vulnerability and open dialogue will resolve challenges in time. Practice patience with internal turbulence, as transformation is on the way.


Libra is asked to address the elephant in the room in their relationships. This Mercury retrograde brings out a bold, fiery energy within them, eager to express themselves and be understood by others. While their need for communication is valid, they should be mindful of their approach. Coming in too hot and quick can lead to tension, misunderstandings, and conflict.


NEXT: How You're Spiritually Gifted, Based on Zodiac Sign


This Mercury retrograde sheds light on Scorpio’s burnout. They must come to terms with the fact that their mind, body, and spirit are tired. Avoid overwhelm at all costs. Taking burdens off your shoulders with the help of loved ones will take the world's weight off your shoulders. However, you must take your pride and ego aside. The most successful people know when it's time to outsource.


Sagittarius is repairing issues in their romantic life this Mercury retrograde. Under this spring transit, you must be mindful of your dating approach. Acting too impulsively can backfire. While you’re likely restless for evolution with a lover, be patient. Rushing or coming off bossy will only lead to disconnection. The cosmos wants you to react intentionally with sound logic, not just fleeting chemistry or emotion.


Spring’s Mercury retrograde reveals emotional blockages for Capricorn. Stuffing your feelings aside or postponing your grief can only last for so long before you hit a breaking point. Therefore, let healing in. Family dynamics may trigger a past, unhealed version of yourself. Try to work through these circumstances mindfully, avoiding regressing or playing a role you’ve outgrown.


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Aquarius has a typical Mercury retrograde experience. The planetary messenger traces steps backward in their communication sector, leading to mishaps. Misunderstandings are a natural part of life and relationships. However, what makes a difference between your fulfillment and disintegration is how you handle them. Try to get personal in moments of disagreement, not prideful. You’ll notice a major difference.


This Mercury retrograde makes Pisces eager to evaluate their life materialistically. Money, resources, and practical goals can be a point of insecurity. They are likely looking to break barriers or walls that seem impossible to bulldoze. Rather than rush the process, be patient. This is the optimal time to strategize, fix past errors, and plan for the future. Avoid making major money moves until the retrograde comes to a close.

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