New Survey Reveals Celebrities Love One Specific Breed of Dogs Over All Others

Celebrities have a significant influence on the world around us, shaping everything from the fashion trends we follow and the music we listen to, to the fads we embrace and even the types of dogs we choose to become pet parents to.

In sort of surprising news, a new survey comes from Bored Panda, who combed news and lifestyle reports on 2,303 celebrities and their 3,305 doggos, noting the breeds of all dogs owned by each celebrity, found out which dog was the favorite amongst the rich and famous, and you probably can't guess what it is.

Most Popular Dog Breeds Among Athletes

Many athletes own French Bulldogs. <p>Bore Panda</p>
Many athletes own French Bulldogs.

Bore Panda

Simon Biles is a proud dog mom to two French Bulldogs, named Lilo and Rambo and these two cute French Bulldogs even have their own Instagram account.


With their charming, affectionate and big personalities combined with their small and easily portable size, it's easy to see why a dog that can fit in a gym bag is a favorite amongst athletes.

Most Popular Dog Breeds For Musicians

More French bulldogs!<p>Bored panda</p>
More French bulldogs!

Bored panda

French Bulldogs are another popular pick amongst your favorite musicians and signers, and since we spoke about them above let's move onto the number 2 spot, which is reserved for adorable Pomeranians as a favorite dog breed among musicians.

Often described as having a "big dog" attitude, Poms are fearless and confident, sometimes even a bit bossy or assertive. Take it from me, I have a Pomeranian living in my house. They are clingy, love being lap dogs and can be lazy on occasion. Musicians that are parents to these adorable dogs include Ozzy Osbourne, Britney Spears and even Elvis Presley was said to be a Pomeranian dad.

Most Popular Dog Breeds For Actors

Let's hear it for mutts. <p>Bored Panda</p>
Let's hear it for mutts.

Bored Panda

Now here's where the survey gets really interesting. The most popular dog breed for your favorite movie and TV stars are mutts and mixed breed dogs, which is fantastic news for shelters all over the United States.


According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.1 million are dogs. There are a lot of pure bred dogs that enter shelters too, but a lot of the dogs that do find themselves in need of a home are mixed breed pups.

Every time we read about a famous person from one of our favorite TV shows adopting one of these mixed breed dogs, hopefully it encourages others to do the same.

Most Popular Dog Breeds All Celebrities

German Shepherds are also popular. <p>Bored Panda</p>
German Shepherds are also popular.

Bored Panda

You can read the entire survey over at Bored Panda and see where your own fur baby ranks amongst the favorites!