Rottweiler on a Stroll Makes the Most Unexpected Fawn Friend

There are some dog breeds out there who are immediately associated in so many people's minds as scary guard dogs, but those of us who have loved and cared for those breeds know that's not the whole story. Both of the dogs I've raised as an adult were Pit Bull mixes, and they're also two of the sweetest (and dopiest) animals I could have ever dreamed of having as my BFF. While dogs certainly come with their own personalities (and natural instincts), so much about who a dog is and how they behave has to do with the humans in their lives and the way they have been treated.

And just in case you're on the fence about just how gentle and sweet even intimidating dogs can be, this unlikely friendship featured in the video below might just be what convinces you. After all, it's not often that a deer sticks around to find out what a dog is going to do in her presence, but it happened here, creating such a sweet moment in the process.

Recently, dog mom Stephanie Chorba shared this sweet footage she took while she and her Rottweiler pup were out on their morning walk. They were lucky enough to spot a fawn exploring a neighbor's yard, and for some reason, even when the dog crossed the street to get a closer look, she didn't run — in fact, it seemed like she was just as fascinated by this new animal.

After a bit of a stare off, the fawn even got a little bit closer to check out the dog, and somehow, her pup knew not to make a move or even a sound. Looks like someone deserves treats for being so kind and gentle with a new friend.

Unfortunately, this sweet moment did come to an end... but who knows what could happen next time these two run into each other during a walk?

A Rottweiler's True Personality

In the comments, many people voiced how surprised they were that the Rottie in the video was so chill, but humans who spend time with them know just how sweet they can really be.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Rottweilers do have guarding instincts. They thrive on being protectors and having a job to do, and for that reason, they're often used as police dogs and have earned a bad reputation with those who don't know better.

But the AKC also points out just how much training has to do with the personality a Rottweiler will have, and when shown love and care, they will return it — they can actually be big old softies!

Don't judge a dog by what you've heard about their breed without getting to know the individual pup. You never know... they could end up being the most lovable, gentle best friend you've ever had.