Rosie O'Donnell Revealed That She Moved Her Family To Ireland, And She Explained Why
I have terrible news for anyone who thought Rosie O'Donnell still lived in the United States.
Yesterday, the veteran comedian and actor posted a TikTok revealing that she and her family have departed the US indefinitely — and they're calling the country of Ireland their new home for now.
@rosie / Via
"It's been pretty wonderful, I have to say," Rosie said, while explaining that she's also in the process of obtaining Irish citizenship (her grandparents were Irish citizens). "The people are so loving and so kind, so welcoming. And I'm very grateful."
"I was never someone who thought I would move to another country, that's what I decided would be the best for myself and my 12-year-old child," she said. "And here we are."
Rosie has a 12-year-old child Clay, who is one of Rosie's five children.
"You know, I'm happy. Clay is happy. I miss my other kids. I miss my friends," she added before alluding to the fairly obvious (cough cough President Trump) reason why she left the States. "I miss many things about life there at home and I'm trying to find a home here in this beautiful country and when it is safe for all citizens to have equal rights there in America, that's when we will consider coming back."
"It's been heartbreaking to see what's happening politically and hard for me personally as well," she continued. "The personal is political, as we all know." Later in the video, she was more explicit about her advice for those who, y'know, don't have the means or money to leave the country and live somewhere else.
"Protect your sanity, is all I can say. Protect your sanity as much as you can, and try not to swim in the chaos if possible, but I know it's nearly impossible when you're there in the middle of it. And I think about everyone every day and the United States of America. And I am hoping that we can turn things around, counting on you, all of you, to do what's right. And I think deep down inside, we all know what that is."
She also managed to respond to someone gesturing toward her privilege as a celebrity:
Well, OK then!