Knock a decade off your cognitive age
Use brain games to boost mental stimulation
We'd all like to be 10 years younger, and although we can't turn back the clock we can reverse the effects of ageing on the brain.
As we age, our ability to concentrate decreases, and we are unable to execute standard mental operations as quickly as we did when we were younger. A University of Alabama (US) study of nearly 3,000 older men and women found that those who participated in 10 60- to 75-minute sessions of brain-boosting exercise sharpened their mental abilities so much that their brains performed like those of people more than 10 years younger.
We work hard to keep our bodies in shape, but when it comes to the brain, the one factor we often neglect is mental stimulation. We are creatures of habit and tend to engage in the same activities and behaviour patterns. These routine activities do not stimulate or benefit the brain.
In fact, the brain 'prefers' novelty and unexpected events. As humans, our cognitive functions thrive and improve when we're faced with new ideas, events and challenges. When we mentally challenge ourselves on a regular basis, we can maintain good intellectual potential as well as reduce our risk for age-related memory loss.
Learn more about keeping your brain in great shape in the 'Mind' section of Prevention magazine, on newsstands now Click here to subscribe now.
Start boosting your memory right now; train your brain with these games developed exclusively for Prevention:
Play Memory Trainer
Play Speed Match
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