Find Your Style

1. Choose Comfort

The key to feeling confident is feeling comfortable. If you buy for your body type and have key pieces with the right fit, it’s easy to make other fashion choices, such as those based on feel or character.

2. Project Your Personality

Build a fashion personality for yourself; add a dash of red with every outfit, for example. An accessory, such as a vintage bakelite brooch or a signature handbag, is another easy way to project personality.

3. Ignore Trends

Don’t follow trends; shop intuitively. Even chain stores such as Diva can be goldmines, as long as you buy only those little touches that really appeal to you.

4. Update Often

Edit your wardrobe regularly, and consider revising your hair and make-up to ensure you’re representing your current self, not someone from the past. MORE: REAL WOMEN SHARE THEIR STYLE SECRETS