New Poll Reveals Most Popular Dog Breed by Generation and It’s Not What Anyone Expected

Everyone has a favorite dog breed, even if they don't like dogs. Since there are so many different ones to choose from, you'll find a slightly different answer every time. Interestingly, though, there are some common denominators... especially among different generations.

Recently, it was revealed that when polled, people from different generations had vastly different most-popular breeds. While that itself might not be surprising, the actual results definitely were:

Dr. Adam Christman's video definitely shocked me. When I was trying to guess, I was wrong every time.


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To conduct the poll, Rover surveyed 1,000 pet parents across 4 generations: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. While some thought preferred dog breeds would actually be getting smaller especially as costs to feed and care for said dogs continues to rise, it seems the opposite is actually true! The different generations' top picks were:

  1. Baby Boomers: Chihuahuas

  2. Gen X: Labrador Retrievers

  3. Millennials: German Shepherds

  4. Gen Z: Golden Retrievers

Though these may be the top-trending breeds of the four generations, they also rank high on most of the lists of most popular dog breeds in general. The bigger dogs on this list are popular for a reason: they're highly trainable and typically very kind pups that can fit will in lots of different situations, from busy college life to settling down and starting a family. Thinking long-term is important for making sure you'll be able to fit your dog into your life, no matter what happens!

Why Are Younger Generations Choosing Bigger Breeds?

With rising costs of living, it would almost make more sense for younger generations to be choosing smaller breeds. They eat less, they typically cost a bit less in vet bills, etc.. However, that is not the case.


A researcher from the University of Denver, Phillip Tedeschi, speculates that younger generations' penchant for choosing larger breeds most likely has something to do with our reliance on social media. Fur-fluencers are all over the place, and more often than not, the most famous ones are those larger breeds, and Golden Retrievers in particular.

They look stunning on your Instagram feed. It's easy to go viral on TikTok. They're sweet, they're smart, and you can truly mold them into whatever kind of dog you want them to be. Smaller dogs are often not so easy to work with, and in a time where nothing feels easy, it makes sense that people would want a dog they can rely on.

Big dogs also tend to make people feel safer than smaller ones, especially when walking alone at night. "Scary dog privilege" was recently trending all over TikTok, and German Shepherds definitely fit that narrative well. Older generations may not feel like they need that extra protection, nor do they have the energy to put up with the rigorous training and exercise larger breeds require. It all makes sense!