People Are Revealing Their Controversial Opinions On Beloved Pop Culture Things, And There Are Some Very Hot Takes
Recently, I asked BuzzFeed Community members to tell us what beloved pop culture things they have controversial opinions on. Well, apparently, people have lots of thoughts on this topic because I got hundreds of hot takes.
Below are just some of the things they just don't understand why everyone seems to love or that they just flat-out hate:
1."I hate Minions. I think they're stupid and would pay money to hunt one for sport."
2."Live-action adaptations of pretty much anything can get on my nerves. Most of the Disney remakes are just cash grabs, rehashing the same story for nostalgia points. I also don’t get the people who get worked up when they make any changes because at least that is some new content that makes it not a carbon copy."
3."The movie Joker. I love Joaquin Phoenix, but this movie was nothing but Taxi Driver with face paint."
4."The NFL Draft. People talk about it for months and watch it for days. You even have fans show up and cheer or boo, and there's nothing going on except announcing names."
5."Jess is the worst character in New Girl and the show was better when she wasn't in it."
6."The nepo baby thing. Whether one is a celebrity or not, many children go into the same occupation as their parents or grandparents. It's called the family business. Stop diminishing actors' offspring, cuz many of them are talented, just like their parents or grandparents."
Jesse Grant / Getty Images for Disney/Pixar, Araya Doheny / Getty Images for Film Independent
7."Sure, I’ll talk about Frozen. Idina Menzel doesn’t sound right for Elsa, Olaf is extremely irritating, and I felt that the whole movie had pacing issues and felt very disjointed, which isn’t surprising given how many basic story revisions they did."
Walt Disney Co. / ©Walt Disney Co./Courtesy Everett Collection
8."La La Land was a beautiful but not a very good movie."
9."I don't understand the hype about The Devil Wears Prada, such a boring movie."
10."Please don’t hate me…but the majority of the Harry Potter films. I don’t hate them — just think the books are better."
11."I HATE binge-watch culture. I honestly don’t think that people appreciate TV shows the same way they used to because of this, as everyone is consuming it so quickly and then jumping straight into the next thing. If you haven’t watched an entire season within 12 hours of it dropping, then spoilers are everywhere, and it’s your own fault for seeing them because you’ve used the internet."
12."Hamilton is just fine. It’s a decent musical, but the first act doesn’t end where it should, and the second act is so goddamn boring. There are some good songs, but it isn’t god’s gift to musical theater like people make it out to be. IMO, it would have been much more interesting if it were told through the eyes of Eliza and Angelica."
13."There's too many Star Wars and Marvel TV show spin-offs on Disney+. I watched Loki and WandaVision, and now I'm just too tired to keep up. Also, the whole MCU multiverse thing makes my head hurt, and also like nothing matters now? Because just pop over to the next multiverse, and everything's different. I personally think it's confusing."
/ ©Disney+/Courtesy Everett Collection
14."I think the Rolling Stones are overrated. I'm not really a fan of them anyway. I like one song that was not a single until the '70s, it's called 'Paint It Black.'"
15."Fifty Shades of Grey. Garbage. It's like a sixth grader wrote a terrible version of what she imagined sex and BDSM are. It's so bizarre that people love it."
16."Breaking Bad. It’s an awful show. My husband watches it, and it is so horrible that it depresses me, and I have to leave the room every time he puts it on! I can’t stand it."
17."I can't stand The Big Bang Theory! It's not funny and the laugh track is stupid. I've heard other people say that Sheldon is autistic and they hate the show because of how autism is portrayed. I'm not sure if it's true, but as a member of the autism community, I hate anything that shows harmful stereotypes of autism."
18."There's little doubt that the Beatles are overrated. They wrote some great songs, but there were countless others doing equally innovative and cool music at the time, just without the platform their early (and frankly uninspiring) records gave them. I love George Harrison's solo records and some of Paul McCartney's early solo stuff, but most of the Beatles' music really leaves me cold."
19."Phoebe from Friends is the most annoying character! She has the least plausible storylines and character out of all of them, and her 'quirkiness' is just grating. People always hate on Ross, but it’s the fact he’s such a needy man-baby that makes him probably the funniest one, IMO."
20."I tried HARD to get into Game of Thrones. It’s just not for me. People seem to think this means I am an alien."
21."I don’t get the hype around Taylor Swift. I think she is overrated and her songs all sound the same to me. We all have our own tastes, and Swiftie is not mine."
22."The character of Stitch [from Lilo & Stitch] is overrated; there, I said it. I get that he's meant to be disgusting and gross in a weirdly cute way, but the way he's being marketed, it's very much heading in the same direction as the Minions."
23."I didn't like Infinity War or Endgame. There were a few good parts, but I thought they were completely overrated. But, I had invested so much time by that point that I needed to see them."
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / © Marvel / courtesy Everett Collection
24."The majority of influencers/podcasters. The excessive lifestyles, the flaunting of wealth, the terrible relationship advice from people who’ve never been married/in a long-term relationship, and the terrible financial advice from people who are most likely fake wealthy themselves. Also, the designer clothes, the layers and layers of makeup, the plastic surgery/filters/Botox are wild…for what? What is so amazing and desirable about this? Why are people taking advice from these people, going out, and dropping money to look like them? It’s such an empty existence and my heart genuinely breaks for the people who think any of it will be fulfilling."
25."The Notebook. I cannot stand this movie — it's not a beautiful love story. It does not make me cry! I hate this movie and cannot stand when people say they love it! I do not get the appeal at all."
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
Okay, do you agree with some of these? Or are these takes all wrong? Let us know in the comments below!