People Are Calling Out The Most Toxic, Problematic, And Out-Of-Touch Things Celebs Do, And Yikes

We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the "toxic" things celebs do that they hate. Here's what they had to say:

1."Telling poor people that they need to 'get their f*****g ass up and work.'"


Twitter: @Variety

2."When they reject the idea of nepo babies. Yes, if you were terrible at what you do, you wouldn't make it in the industries you choose to go into, but it's the fact that you don't realize that having a famous parent afforded you that opportunity."

"Regular people don't have connections or know who they can talk to to enter the industry."


3."Using children too young to possibly understand — let alone consent to — sell products on social media."


4."When they don’t even know the names of the people they work with."


James Corden sitting at a table during a talk show, dressed in a suit and tie with flowers and food on the table in front of him

5."Any time a celebrity tries to do the 'I'm just like you' thing. If I can stay fit, anyone can. Yes, you with your gym in your house, personal trainer, private chef, live-in childcare...yeah, you're just like everyone else 🙄. Just acknowledge the benefits you have from being rich."


6."Social media posts about their 'much-needed' and 'so relaxing' vacations — when they were just on vacation a month ago."


7."I don't know if this is exactly out-of-touch, but I'm sick of seeing celebrities in commercials when they already have so much money with which they (mostly) don't help anyone. I remember seeing a particular Marvel star in a T-Mobile commercial when he had just made an estimated $50 MILLION for Age of Ultron, and it made me viscerally angry."


8."Preaching about saving the environment, and then flying somewhere on their private jet with a short drive time 😭."


A private jet with open door is positioned at the end of a red carpet pathway lined with gold stanchions
Jupiterimages / Getty Images

9."When celebrities use their fame to push pseudoscience and general quackery. Actors/models/singers are not doctors; they shouldn't be giving medical advice, and no one should be listening to it."


10."Trying to give any parenting advice or pretending they understand the realities of parenting. I don't want your opinion on parenting if you have a chef, a maid, and a nanny. I don't want to hear about how hard it was that you had to be alone with your children for an hour. They think it makes them relatable, but every time, it just makes their obliviousness to their privilege glaringly obvious."

—32, New York

11."Share a 'close friend's modest' GoFundMe with a goal easily achieved by the celeb themselves. Yeah, yeah, they don't have to pay for everything, but it's still tacky. Kinda like when corporations ask you to donate at the till."


12."This is more about the industry as a whole, but a lot of celebs also fall victim and push an unhealthy and unnatural beauty standard. So many celebs aren't open about Photoshop, cosmetic surgery, lighting/camera tricks, wigs, and even makeup! They conceal that they, too, have extra weight here and there or wrinkles or acne or uneven complexions, and the millions of people who look to them are none the wiser. I think it makes shallowness more acceptable in our society."

"Men, especially younger men, don't realize that the women they see online or on TV aren't natural; they expect that in the women they meet in everyday life, and then think less of these women because they don't match the unnatural expectations that have been set."

—24, Virginia

13."Posting 'candid' photos of themselves to social media. No one was randomly wandering in with a camera and just HAD to get a pic while you were just casually sleeping with your cat in perfect makeup! The hubris to set up staged, narcissistic photos like this and then assume the whole world wants to see them."


14."When they break the law and get reduced sentences or fines just because they’re famous and can hire glitzy attorneys."


And finally...

15."When they complain about how their lives are so hard, yet they live in a $200 million house and can afford basic, everyday needs when most of the world can't afford a home."

"There's a time where the 'oh poor pitiful me' needs to end, and this is when."


A luxurious mansion with multiple stories, large windows, a spacious veranda, and manicured lawns, surrounded by trees
Sl-f / Getty Images

WHEW. Did you agree with these? What are some other things celebs do that you think are "toxic?" Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.