22 People Who Are Straight Up Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Worse Week Than You
If you just had the absolute worst week, just remember...
1.The person who is currently being sonned by a fruit fly:
2.The person who is currently losing the war against the machines:
3.The person who loves their cat very much, I'm sure:
4.The person who got hotboxed by dirty, old sandal:
5.The person who is now in dental limbo:
6.The person whose soup just got a whole lot of unwanted texture:
7.The person whose PS5 might need a light cleaning:
8.The person who had a nightmare in their pants:
9.The person who experienced true tragedy:
10.The person whose laptop looks absolutely delicious now:
11.The person who now must go on a hero's journey to retrieve their TP:
12.The person who's going to need a chisel to get a pill:
13.The person who got some great Dali-inspired kitchenware:
14.The person who will always remember their momentous fall:
15.The person whose tire just got absolutely annihilated:
16.The person whose tooth needed some tape:
17.The person who just lived every gym-goer's worst nightmare:
18.The person whose jelly-filled donut was an absolute affront to all things good and jam filled:
19.The person whose coat hanger had a bit of an accident:
20.The person whose headphones are nice and moisturized:
21.The person who just hooked a tree up with the ride of a lifetime:
22.And the person whose cookies are simply unrecognizable: