Nathan Fillion Is 'Careful' to Avoid This Mistake While Filming 'The Rookie'

When you're Nathan Fillion, it's hard to keep a low profile—especially when you're filming The Rookie on a public street while decked out in full LAPD gear.

The Castle alum sat down with Good Morning America co-anchor Lara Spencer on Tuesday, March 11, to chat about the series he calls "the best job I've ever had," but, unfortunately, it's not all fun and games.

Members of the show's devoted fanbase often inadvertently ruin the actor's hard work, while those unfamiliar with his game have been known to mistake him for the law—both instances he does his best to avoid.

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"I would imagine, because you've been on TV a long time and you're very beloved, it's hard, because you're shooting in a public space; are people just screaming, 'Nathan!'?" Spencer asked, as seen in a clip from their interview uploaded to Instagram.

"Yes—I love The Rookie' from a passing car," he admitted immediately, imitating the interruption that often comes in the middle of a take.

"Take 27," Spencer joked, but Fillion felt that all too well.

"Exactly—you've got to do it again," he said. "But, those are good problems to have."

On the other hand, he "plays such a convincing cop" that he has to be "very careful" to avoid bystanders assuming he is one.

"There's been one or two times where we've been mistaken for actual police officers," he revealed. "Where someone said, 'Yes, Officer, thank you.' I'm thinking, 'Who is he talking to right now?'"


To avoid repeats in the future, he and his fellow faux cops take steps to ensure they appear as nondescript as possible.

"But if you want to go walk down the street to, like, the coffee store, you wanna take off your belt, take off the badge, put on a coat," he listed. "We try to make sure we're not actually mistaken for police officers."

However, should someone in need ever approach him accidentally, we have a feeling he'll pull a Mariska Hargitay and save the day.

Next: Nathan Fillion Leaves Fans in Stitches After Sharing Character-Breaking Mishap on 'The Rookie'