Backlash as furious mum slams teacher in lunchbox note

A mum left furious after a teacher weighed in on the contents of her daughter’s lunchbox has hit back with a scathing letter that has divided opinion online.

Posted to a local community group, the irate mother shared the fiery note she packed into her daughter’s lunchbox, after discovering the teacher had criticised the previous day’s lunch.

The irate note was slipped into her daughter's lunchbox for the teacher. Photo: Facebook
The irate note was slipped into her daughter's lunchbox for the teacher. Photo: Facebook

“Unless you are going to ‘pay’ $$$ for my child’s packed lunch and supply her with a drink, then please keep your opinions to yourself and stop telling my child what she can or can’t have in her lunch box!” the note stated.

“Thanks, kind regards, the child’s MOTHER,” the furious note finished.


At issue, according to later comments on the post, was the choice of drink included in the girl’s lunch that day.

“Actually she just takes water every day,” the woman clarified.

“This was just a one-off and it wasn’t even cordial, it was water with two hydrolyte in it.”

She went on to write she thought teachers should ‘stick to their curriculum’ and leave the parenting to parents.

Backlash online

It turns out not all the parents agreed, some labelling the move an overreaction.

“I get it... it’s stressful raising kids,” one mum wrote.

”This note though makes you look like a jerk. The teacher is only following what the department gives them as guidelines.”

“Wrong, wrong wrong, this note is so wrong!” another weighed in.

Others couldn’t have disagreed more, complaining that teachers stepping into lunchboxes was unacceptable.


This thread is mum shaming at it’s finest!” one woman wrote. “I would prefer my child not to be dehydrated because of all these mothers on here putting their ‘2 cents healthy advice’.”

“I hear you...” another wrote.

“Stick to educating in the classroom.”

Policy divided

Other parents were divided on how much say the teacher should be allowed. Photo: Getty Images
Other parents were divided on how much say the teacher should be allowed. Photo: Getty Images

Education policy around policing children’s food intake generally only applies to food provided by the school, though in NSW, where the note was posted, there is some responsibility demanded of teachers.

“Teaching and learning and class activities in other key learning areas should reinforce healthy eating and good nutrition wherever possible,” NSW’s Nutrition in Schools Policy reads.

Specific restrictions such as health star ratings and sugary drinks are only enforced on food sold or provided to students from the school.

Student’s are also taught nutrition education from Kindergarten to Year 10 as part of mandatory classes outlines by the same policy.


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