Moonchild Daily Horoscope – 04 June 2024

Good news; Life at the office is about to become easier – honest to goodness! Over the past few weeks, you’ve had Mars in your 10th House, which really is a mixed blessing. On the other hand, nothing fires one up re career and career direction like this transit. However, Mars is also a firebrand so if you’ve been off your rocker a little with your work colleagues or clients, tell them you’re about to simmer down a little. If you’ve been placed in a position where you’ve had to work hard to stand up for something you believe in, especially but not only at work, don’t stop now, but do be aware that you may not know the results of your efforts until Mars enters your sign in a little over two months.
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The post Moonchild Daily Horoscope – 04 June 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.