It Seems People Are Having To Change Some Lifestyle Habits To Afford Groceries — We Want To Hear About Yours

The internet is currently combusting because Donald Trump revealed to Time magazine that it'll be "hard" to get grocery prices down after making that promise a key talking point in his bid for president. So we're asking people in the BuzzFeed Community: How have you had to change your routine to afford groceries when prices seem to keep going up?

A man on a late-night talk show set
NBC / Via

Maybe you have to make a grocery list before going to the store and you actually have to stick to it.

A man holds up a piece of paper
Showtime / Via

Maybe you've had to give up other habits like nail appointments or daily lattes to keep your grocery budget in tact.

Man in looks surprised
Showtime / Via

Or maybe you've joined the "couponing" community and that enables you to buy everything your heart desires.

Young child says, Coupon Queen
TLC / Via

Whatever you've had to adjust in your life to be able to afford groceries, we want to hear about it. Please comment below or fill out this Google form to remain anonymous. Your response could be featured in an upcoming post.