Health Rules The Experts Live By (And The Ones They Ignore!)

The Dietitian

Julie Gilbert, accredited practising dietitian.
What she lives by: Snacking
"I graze all day long. When you have drastic fluctuations in blood sugar levels, you metabolise proteins instead of fats and sugars, but healthy snacks at least twice a day put a stop to that. I use snap-lock bags for small snacks like fruit, vegetables, salt and vinegar rice crackers, 10 roasted almonds or, if I want something sweet, a biscuit."
What she ignores: The ban on sugary foods
"My clients are shocked to see that I have sweet foods in my office, but I don't deny myself sugar - as a treat. Just be sure to watch your portions; I only ever eat four squares of chocolate or one Freddo frog at a time."


The Psychologist

Joanne Corrigan, clinical psychologist
What she lives by: Be here now
"Being in the moment - doing one task at a time, and really focusing on it - is the best skill that I've learnt. Being aware of where the mind wanders, especially when trying to be on task, and pulling it back to focus helps me become more in touch with mind and body."
What she ignores: Never-ending therapy sessions
"Counselling doesn't have to be like a Woody Allen movie, where you spend years on the couch. If I'm experiencing an issue, I'll have a handful of sessions with my therapist to get a clearer picture of the situation. I think of therapy as finetuning aspects of your life you are struggling with, when you need it."

The Doctor

Dr Andrew Rochford, emergency registrar and TV personality
What he lives by: Sleeping seven to eight hours a night.
"I never sacrifice a good sleep. I'll prioritise it above social engagements. We all know how lack of sleep makes us feel, and research shows it affects our hormones, immune system and meta-bolism, making us fatter and more prone to diabetes and heart disease. It's the easiest way to live healthier."
What he ignores: Multivitamins
"The idea that you must meet some vitamin and mineral target every day of your life is a marketing myth - you can eat lots of fruit and vegetables one day and not much the next, but over the course of a week you will still get the right amount of nutrients."


The Naturopath

Mim Beim, author and naturopath
What she lives by: Eating protein with every meal
"I always start the day with protein - eggs, smoked salmon, yoghurt, nuts or baked beans - with wholegrain toast. It's more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats alone, plus helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning. I never experience that mid-afternoon slump."
What she ignores: Detoxing
"All those organs that supposedly need cleansing are actually incredibly effective at neutralising toxic substances. The idea that you're being poisoned unless you ban coffee, alcohol and food groups, or use expensive detox products (which can contain harsh laxatives) is bogus. Like anything, it's about moderation."

The Chiropractor

Nigel Luis, lifestyle motivator and chiropractor
What he lives by: Lowering stress
"I exercise all of my body parts equally to maintain balance in posture. I also get regularly adjusted to keep my spine in order, and eat and drink everything I like, in moderation. People don't realise how much family, work and everyday life can exacerbate back problems. Often the root causes of stress result in back pain."
What he ignores: A "crack" and you're on your way
"A simple spine adjustment can help, but it ignores all other external factors like sleeping patterns, diet and nutrition, past and present injuries or work or home stress. Address these issues in your consultation, so you enjoy the full benefits of a chiropractic treatment."


The Exercise Physiologist

Aaron Smith, founder of KX Pilates in Melbourne
What he lives by: Interval training
"I've seen fitness fads come and go, but this one has stuck for a reason. The trick is to work hard in intense 1-2 minute bouts, then recover before focusing on your next bit of hard work. It not only burns the most amount of kilojoules possible in the shortest amount of time (you can get away with 30-minute workouts), it jump-starts your metabolism."
What he ignores: Not eating anything at night
"Most people believe that what they eat before bed will be put on as fat, but there's no evidence to support this. If I'm hungry at night, I eat bran flakes, oats, granola and dried fruit. The fibre fills the stomach, the protein in skim milk will suppress your appetite, and with virtually no fat it equates to a fast digestion. Then I'll have the energy for a training session first thing in the morning."

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