Amnesty International Vote To Decriminalise Sex Work

Photo: Getty.

In a historic move, Amnesty International has voted in favour of endorsing a policy which supports the decriminalisation of sex workers worldwide.

Following on from two years of research into the lives of sex workers, Amnesty International is the latest organisation to show their support of the policy, which promotes the protection of safer work environments for sex workers.

Other existing supporters include The World Health Organisation, Human Rights Watch and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health.

"Sex workers are one of the most marginalised groups in the world who in most instances face constant risk of discrimination, violence and abuse," said the organisation’s secretary general, Salil Shetty.

But the move has not been without controversy. It has placed the organisation under attack from women’s rights groups, as well as from some of Hollywood’s most prominent female figures, including Lena Dunham, Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep. They are among signatories of a letter that argues the policy would lead to the ‘legalisation of pimping.’

However, Amnesty International believe their decision will assist in shaping their work in this area of human rights in the future.

“We recognise that this critical human rights issue is hugely complex and that is why we have addressed this issue from the perspective of international human rights standards. We also consulted with our global movement to take on board different views from around the world,” said Salil Shetty.


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