Meet Lammily: The ‘Average Barbie’ Doll
Lammily Photo:
Strictly speaking, there’s not much that is unique about Lammily. She has the exact proportions of an average 19-year old American woman, she doesn’t wear a lot of makeup and her clothes are the kind that hundreds of thousands of American teenagers wear. But that is exactly what does make Lammily unique. In the world of Barbie and Bratz dolls, Lammily stands out as a regular, normal role model with an empowering message: realistic, average bodies are beautiful too.
The brainchild of inventor Nickolay Lamm, Lammily raised more than five times its estimated budget on crowdfunding site Crowdtilt earlier this year. Now, the dolls are for sale through Lammily’s website, complete with stickers representing everything acne and cellulite to bruises, stretch marks, scars and freckles. So far, 19,000 dolls have been pre-ordered and are ready to ship out - just in time for Christmas.
“Every one of our bodies is different,” Lamm explained on his website, “so we should not be aspiring to some idealised standard.”
Can’t get enough of Lammily? Neither can American school kids. Watch a group of fourth-graders react to seeing the doll for the first time in this heart-warming video. Our favourite reaction? "She looks like a regular girl going to school," as one child said.
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