The White Gold Dress Debate Is Back In Nail Form

Nails white gold dress
Nails white gold dress

You just recovered from the white/gold black/blue dress drama didn’t you?

Unfortunately we’re about to throw another spanner in to the works with these images. But don’t worry too much - everyone around you is about to see the same thing (maybe).

“This is a Photoshop/Twitter trick and depends on the background you view it on,” reports the Mirror UK.

“Basically it’s semi-see-through and you can change the colours to your heart’s content.”

Click through to the below image on Twitter to see what we mean:

So, if the background is white (like it is on Twitter) the nails appear to be pink. If the background is black (like it is on Twitter when you click on the image), the nails appear to be burgundy.

The original photo is below:

Nails white gold dress
Nails white gold dress

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