Emma Watson Named Celebrity Feminist Of The Year

Emma Watson named feminist of the year.
Emma Watson named feminist of the year.

Emma Watson. Photo: Getty Images.

In September, actress Emma Watson gave a powerful speech on the topic of feminism, which resonated with fans around the world.

The UN Women Goodwill Ambassador officially launched the #HeforShe campaign pact at the time, which aims to encourage boys and men to join the fight for gender equality.

"I am reaching out to you because we need your help," Watson began. "We must try to mobilise as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change. We don't just want to talk about it. We want to try and make sure it's tangible."

In recognition of her work, the Ms. Foundation For Women has named the 24-year-old 'Feminist Celebrity of 2014' in an online poll conducted via Cosmopolitan.com.

"We celebrate all feminists every day, but today we're giving a hat tip to celebrities who are helping to promote women's equality...Every celebrity on the list has either embraced the term 'feminist,' spoken out for women's equal rights or battled against sexist oppression," said Foundation president and CEO, Teresa Younger.

"Celebrities who embrace feminism or speak out for women's equality are helping to spread the word and build support for women's rights. With this survey, we're expanding the conversation about women's empowerment to even more people."

Watson's speech made an impact with a number of high profile faces including Taylor Swift, Russell Crowe and Simon Pegg, who threw their support behind the star, and Cate Blanchett, who voiced her admiration for the campaign.

"I was so f**king proud of Emma Watson's speech at the UN," said Blanchett last month. "It was brilliant, such an incredible use of her airspace, and really passionate. It was fantastic."

Other celebrities to make the top celebrity feminists of 2014 list include Beyonce, who dressed up as famous World War II feminist icon, Rosie the Riveter, and Laverne Cox from Orange is the New Black, who has spoken at length about being a feminist.

The full list is below:
1. Emma Watson
2. Laverne Cox
3. Rachel Maddow
4. Beyonce
5. Cher
6. Amy Poehler
7. Tina Fey
8. Meryl Streep
9. Mindy Kaling
10. 10. Ann Curry

17 celebrity feminists

Cate Blanchett praises Emma Watson's UN speech

Taylor Swift tells why Emma Watson's feminist speech was so important