Boy Pens Heartfelt Letter About Emma Watson’s UN Speech

Emma Watson.
Emma Watson.

Emma Watson. Photo: Getty Images.

A British schoolboy has written a letter to the UK's Telegraph newspaper encouraging boys to listen to Emma Watson's now-famous UN speech about gender inequality.

Written by 15-year old Ed Holton from Hertfordshire, the letter argues that all boys should listen to Emma Watson's speech.

"I watched Emma Watson's UN speech and agreed with everything she said, so I was disappointed by how ignorant some of the other boys in my class were about it."

"It's pretty simple really," Holton wrote, "if you believe in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes, you're a feminist."

"By using words such as 'girly' or 'manly' we inadvertently buy into gender stereotyping... We must all make an active decision to change our language... We must not let gender define us."

This letter is just one of the responses to Watson's powerful speech and the launch of the UN's #HeforShe. Male celebrities have been throwing their weight behind Watson's campaign, sharing pictures of themselves on social media with the #HeforShe hashtag.

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