Ryan Gosling Makes Men Think Like Feminists

Ryan Gosling makes men think like feminists
Ryan Gosling makes men think like feminists

Just when you thought Ryan Gosling was perfect...well, he still is.

A new study conducted by graduate students at the University of Saskatchewan has revealed that looking at photos of Ryan Gosling makes men agree more with feminist sentiment.

To reach the conclusion, they showed men and women photos of the actor with and without feminist text - and found that men were up to 10% more likely to agree with feminist Ryan than plain Ryan.

On the other hand, women's feminist views, regardless of what they were before they took part in the study, remained unchanged. Which makes us think they were simply admiring Ryan rather than paying attention to the text (and who can blame them...)

While we think the findings are a little tenuous, we must admit it would have been a fun research session to sit on in. Plus, it's an excuse to look at more photos of Ryan Gosling. Still haven't had enough? Then click below...

Ryan Gosling in pictures.
Ryan Gosling in pictures.

GALLERY: Ryan Gosling in pictures.

Ryan Gosling In Pictures

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