'Just Kidding!': Jimmy Kimmel Hits Trump With Scathing Reminder About Melania

Jimmy Kimmel on Monday night taunted Donald Trump over the fact that the former president’s wife, Melania Trump, hasn’t been a visible presence during his election efforts.

“Melania was on the campaign trail this weekend with her husband,” Kimmel said. “Just kidding! We haven’t seen her for weeks.”

But the former first lady did resurface with a video promoting her upcoming book in which she complains about the 2020 election and the price of gas.

Kimmel had just one question after hearing that last part.

“When was the last time you think Melania pumped gasoline?” he asked. “Nineteen-ninety-never, maybe.”


Kimmel pointed out that Melania Trump’s book, which doesn’t come out until next month, is already at No. 2 on the Amazon bestseller list, while Trump’s most recent book is at No. 269.

“It’s a good thing they have a rock-solid relationship,” Kimmel snarked. “Because a lot of couples, this is the sort of thing that could result in tumult.”

See more in his Monday night monologue: