My Dumb Little Peanut Brain Just Got Blown After Seeing These 23 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The First Time Last Week

1.This is how football helmets were tested in the early 1900s:

A black-and-white image showing a man diving headfirst into a wooden wall, observed by three men wearing suits and hats

I'd love to mash my head into a wall eight hours a day, five days a week.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

2.It was so hot in Arizona last week that WINDOW BLINDS were melting:

A window with blinds that appear melted or distorted, creating a wavy pattern. No people or text are present in the image

3.This is what the face of a sawfish looks like:

Sawfish in a body of water, showcasing its flat body and distinctive long, toothed snout

She's beautiful.

Solarworksart / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4.This is what the inside of an air mattress looks like:

Interior view of a mattress with exposed inner springs and fabric layers, showcasing the construction and materials used inside

I don't like it!!!

u/imkindaessential / Via

5.This is what first class looked like on a plane in the 1950s:

Nancy Kelly, seated, shares a meal with Michael Wilding and Elizabeth Taylor; a male attendant stands nearby in an elegantly decorated airplane cabin

Specifically a Super G Constellation on TWA. Looks okay, but it's no pretzels and gingerale.

Mondadori Portfolio / Mondadori via Getty Images

6.This is Lemuel Cook, maybe the oldest living veteran of the American Revolutionary War, photographed in the mid-1800s:

An elderly man with thinning hair and a solemn expression wearing a dark coat

This guy literally saw the British coming. Respect.

Alamy Stock Photo

7.The 2024 Paris Olympics are about to start very, very soon, so TV networks will probably show this exact view about a hundred times a day:

The Eiffel Tower adorned with the Olympic rings, symbolizing the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris. Clear sky in the background
Oleg Nikishin / Getty Images

8.This is what those Olympic rings look like from behind:

View from Eiffel Tower showcasing Paris cityscape and large Olympic rings installation near the Seine River
u/thaddeusboyleaddams / Via

9.And this is how big they are compared to a person:

Workers install giant Olympic rings between the pillars of the Eiffel Tower

Folks, I haven't seen a ring that big since Elizabeth Taylor got married! I'm serious!

Joel Saget / AFP via Getty Images

10.This poster from the late 1800s advertises a fight between "the world's thinnest man" and "the world's fattest man":

Two boxers, a very tall and thin man and a much shorter and heavier man, pose in vintage boxing attire in front of a painted backdrop

Let me know in the comments who you got.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

11.Medical grade cocaine is used in hospitals for sinus surgeries and the like:

A hand holds a small bottle labeled "Cocaine Hydrochloride nasal solution, 160 mg/4 mL" in a medical setting

Need me a medical grade Miller Lite.

u/energypizza301 / Via

12.This is what the wheel of the Mars Curiosity Rover looks like after over a decade on the Red Planet:

A close-up image of the damaged wheel of NASA's Curiosity Rover on the Martian surface, showing multiple tears and dents

Nothing a little martian duct tape can't fix.


13.This is what a hedgehog getting some medical work done looks like:

X-ray image of a hedgehog lying on its back on a black surface, spread out with tape. Text reads: "In case anyone wondered what a hedgehog getting an X-ray looked like."

Incredible. What a time to be alive. Wish Lemuel Cook could've seen this.

Twitter: @drlongissimus

14.You can buy a signed Babe Ruth baseball from Costco:

Babe Ruth autographed baseball with certification details, priced at $18,999.99. Includes authentication information and product features

15.Some funeral homes sell cardboard box coffins:

A signage display showing a basic cardboard coffin, priced at $585. A waste bin with a plastic liner is placed nearby on the floor

Just my style. They're used for cremations.

u/kilo2ton / Via

16.This is what an MRI of a kiwi, a peach, and an avocado looks like:

Cross-sectional MRI images of a kiwi fruit, an orange, and an avocado showing their internal structures and seed positions

17.This is what a size 74 belt looks like:

A store display of various belts and ties hanging on a metal rack alongside a rack of pants. A shopping cart is partially visible to the left

It's a big belt, folks.

u/eightdollarbeer / Via

18.This is one of the few known photos of Vincent van Gogh, shown here at age 20:

A black and white portrait of Vincent van Gogh, wearing a suit and tie, facing forward with a neutral expression

You think his boys called him Vinny?

Alamy Stock Photo

19.This is what a modern-day "bulb" inside a lighthouse looks like:

A close-up image of a lens and prism assembly inside a lighthouse lamp

20.This is a picture of the ice mountains of Pluto as seen from the New Horizons space probe:

Black-and-white image of raised surface

The photo is 230 miles across, to put things into perspective.

Science History Images / Alamy Stock Photo

21.Some movie theaters let you know straight from the jump if you need to sit through the credits:

Sign asking if there is an end credit scene, with lists of movies under "Yes" and "No." Below the sign is a flyer titled "Summer Blockbusters 2024" showing movie posters

22.Oranges float and limes sink:

A beverage dispenser filled with water and lemon slices, surrounded by purple flowers

Please do with this information whatever you please.

23.And, finally, your finger creases can go away:

A close-up of someone's fingers against a fabric background

So use them wisely.

u/chrischalms / Via