Hilarious Husky Makes a Splash with an Unexpected Poolside 'Present'

Sometimes, our dogs do things that make us question the intention. Were they trying to tell us something? Or did their behavior mean nothing at all?

This Husky will leave you wondering why he made his unfortunate decision. While it could be as simple as a dog being a dog, his attitude suggests it may have been more.

See the pool faux pas that got him disqualified in this video shared on August 5:

It doesn’t look like Koda (@kiskaandkoda) will compete in the Olympics this year. Instead of using the pool for swimming, he used it as a restroom! LOL! Yep, that will get you thrown out of the games pretty fast. After finishing his business, he seemed completely unbothered by his actions. He quickly hopped over the edge, fled the crime scene, and returned to the house. It’s hard to tell if he was upset because the pool didn’t have water at the time or if he was trying to send Mom a message, whatever that may have been. But regardless of his reasoning, it’s safe to say this Siberian Husky won’t be invited to pool parties anytime soon.

Related: Dad's Attempt To Take Huskies Paddle Boarding Turns Into Canine Chaos

Why Do Dogs Do Their Business In Unwanted Spots?

While some dogs can be picky about where they poop, others like to mark their territory. This behavior is deeply ingrained in their DNA. While it may not be pleasant for us, Koda may have been trying to leave his scent in a way that potential intruders would notice. And he nailed it! Although we might see this as misbehavior, he was simply being a dog. However, if dogs go to the bathroom regularly in places they know they shouldn’t, it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition and their way of telling us they need help.

People shared some funny thoughts about this pool time mishap. Viewer @emmapie_gsd responded, “But did he make the Olympic Pool Pooper Team? Lol. Gold medal!” If that were a sport, he most certainly would have earned himself a medal. Viewer @life_of_charlie_and_rebel remarked, “We are just happy he wasn’t wearing a Speedo!” Ha! That’s an excellent point, even on a dog that wouldn’t look good. Viewer @portuguesefrankenstein responded, “Maybe points for artistic expression? It is Paris, after all.” Fair enough. Perhaps he was only trying to fit in with the crowd.

While we might not always understand why our dogs choose to do what they do, one thing is for sure: they are always entertaining. Even if that means we might need to do a bit of extra cleanup, they are always worth the effort.