Golden Retriever Perfects the Art of Pouting After Days of Family Fun

Have you ever heard about "puppy dog eyes?" They're not just used by dogs to get what they want - they're an important tool for humans, too. If we need to get something we really want and we're with someone close to us, puppy eyes work almost every time.

Recently, one Golden Retriever got to go on the vacation of a lifetime, and he adored every moment of it. When it was time to come home, his puppy eyes came out to play, and they're not leaving anytime soon:

Wally Meets World is the sweetest boy. If they could, I'm sure his parents would be on vacation with him all the time!

Related: Golden Retriever Brings All the Drama After Having Bandage on His Leg

Wally is quite the drama king, honestly. He likes to have things his way, and if they're not exactly like that, he gets a little upset. His vacation was perfect: everyone was in a good mood. When everyone is in a good mood, you're more likely to get away with things that would never fly at home. He definitely got some extra treats.

And now, vacation is over, and you can just tell he's upset about it. His puppy dog eyes and little pout are screaming, "take me back!" He's gotten used to seeing tons of other people and dogs, and now he's back to seeing his boring neighbors. How sad for him!

Getting Back Into a Routine After Vacation

It's hard enough to get yourself readjusted to normal life after a fun vacation: having a dog only makes that harder. When you get back, you might notice that they've let some behavioral things slip while you all were away. That's okay: you just need to refresh their skills.

There are a few important things to make sure you do when you first get back:

  1. Watch them closely so you can identify problem areas.

  2. If needed, you can do some "re-training" bits with training treats for rusty skills.

  3. Ease back into your normal routine rather than jumping right back into it to avoid mistakes.

  4. Give them a bath. Hardly anyone thinks of this, but it's an important step in "resetting."

While you're on vacation, keeping up the pup's routine and good habits will help you avoid mistakes and legitimate problems when you come home. You will never be able to outrun sass, though: who wants to go from eating their morning kibble by the ocean and going for walks on the beach for being at home? Not me, and certainly not Wally!