How Dan Bilzerian keeps up a rock-star lifestyle and a cover-star body

Partying with half-naked women, winning millions at high-stakes poker and driving tanks for laughs – it doesn’t exactly sound like clean living. But as we found out when we spoke to notorious Instagram (16.3 million followers and counting) playboy Dan Bilzerian, you can balance a rock-star lifestyle with a cover-star body.

MH: What’s the key to living like Dan Bilzerian?
DB: Freedom. Being able to be yourself, and being unapologetic about it. If there’s something I want to do, I’m not going to talk about it, let’s just do it. So if I wanted to drive a tank over a car, I’d do that; if I wanted to blow something up, I’d do that; if I wanted to go on a yacht with a bunch of chicks, I’d do it. I’ve been consistently upping the bar in pretty much all aspects of life.

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MH: How have your internal organs not just withered and died?
DB: It’s not like in every one of these situations I’m hammered. I’ll be hanging out with a bunch of hot naked chicks, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I need to be messed up. I’d much rather be sober and sleeping with a bunch of hot girls than I would be getting drunk with my buddies telling stories about it.


MH: Between the constant pool parties and high-stakes poker matches, where do you find the time to look the way you do?
DB: That’s one thing I plan out: my workouts. It’s what my whole day revolves around. And I eat really clean. I know I’m going to get at least 20g of protein with every meal, and I try to eat low-glycaemic-index carbs. It takes a little bit of planning, and it’s a pain in the ass, but that’s how you’re going to keep your body in the best shape.

MH: When did you start looking after your body?
DB: I had a heart attack when I was 25. That was a little bit of a wake-up call. I did coke probably five times in my life – that just happened to be one of those five.

MH: So it was detox living from then on?
DB: Like those cleanses where they just drink a bunch of juice or whatever? This crash dieting, this Atkins stuff, it’s all gimmick stuff for lazy idiot people. This isn’t a diet, this is a lifelong thing. The bottom line is that you should develop a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain. Figure out what you’ve got to do to stay in good shape and just do it.

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MH: What do you put your success on the card table down to?
DB: I’m not the best poker player in the world, but I set myself up to play against super-rich guys that are playing more for fun than for anything else. A lot of guys grind it out in the casino, but I would play bigger stakes, less frequently, with worse players. Pick your battles.