'Hurtful': Bride shares aunt's angry wedding RSVP

A bride has revealed the furious RSVP she received from her aunt after not inviting her partner of two years to the wedding.

Taking to Reddit to share the 'rude' response, the woman explained she had to restrict guest numbers due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but her aunt didn't take it well.

Beautiful wedding table setting
A bride had to restrict the number of guests she invited because of Covid. Photo: Getty

"Most rude and hurtful," Aunt Edith scrawled across the invitation sent back in the mail.

She added her partner's name 'Uncle Danny' and wrote a cross alongside 'Declines with regret'.


Before adding: "Family shouldn't separate family. You shouldn't have sent one at all."

The bride did add that 'Uncle Danny' wasn't hugely popular among the rest of the family and she had only met him a few times.

Reddit angry wedding invitation
Aunt Edith called the move 'rude and hurtful'. Photo: Reddit

Plenty of people agreed with the bride's right to invite who she wanted to, with one person telling the aunt to "harden up".

"That‘s a quick way to quit being invited to family gatherings ever again," one person wrote.

There were a few who thought the couple were actually rude for not inviting the partner, given they had been a couple for two years.

"It's possible to think the couple was rude for not inviting a guest's long-term partner while also thinking the aunt's reaction was over the top," was one response.

While others agree with that point, though stressed Covid changed the situation.

"I think Covid makes a very big difference though. Without Covid, you should invite partners. With Covid, guests lists are very restricted," one person wrote.

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